I am using version 2015.1.401.40 of your asp.net for ajax controls.
I've never used the PivotGrid, but I am experimenting with it now and I don't see any data after binding it.
Here is the markup of the grid:
<telerik:RadPivotGrid ID="AlertsRadPivotGrid" runat="server">
<telerik:PivotGridColumnField DataField="AlertLevel" UniqueName="AlertLevel" />
<telerik:PivotGridRowField DataField="SupplierCompanyName" UniqueName="SupplierCompanyName" />
<telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="AlertID" UniqueName="AlertID" Aggregate="Count" />
Here is my code:
Private Sub AlertsRadPivotGrid_NeedDataSource(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.PivotGridNeedDataSourceEventArgs) Handles AlertsRadPivotGrid.NeedDataSource
Dim scAlerts As List(Of SupplierAlert)
Dim scAlertList As SupplierAlertList = New SupplierAlertList
scAlerts = scAlertList.GetHarmonyAlertDetailsData("129052", 8939, New Date(2015, 3, 1), New Date(2015, 10, 1), SessUserCultureCode)
AlertsRadPivotGrid.DataSource = scAlerts
End Sub
So, I'm binding to a Generic List of a strongly typed object (class) that I've created. When the code runs, the NeedDataSource method runs and the scAlerts object above has 240 SupplierAlert items in it.
I see ​bind to strongly typed lists, so I assume it is possible.
When I run it I see a PivotGrid with my column and row, but there is no data / detail displayed.
Am I doing something wrong?
AlertLevel is an integer
SupplierCompanyID is a string
AlertID is an integer
There are no nulls in any of my data.