Experimenting with RadEditor's NewLineMode we find that mode "P" (default) is acting weird when I press Enter when positioned in a DIV.
A new DIV is created then. A very undesirable result, why not simply create a new <p> inside the DIV?
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 20 Mar 2024, 09:35 AM
Hi Marc,
I want to propose a code solution for the reported case:
<scripttype="text/javascript">functionOnClientCommandExecuting(sender, args) {
if (args.get_commandName() === "EnterNewLine") {
var editor = sender;
var selection = editor.getSelection();
var parentElement = selection.getParentElement();
// Check if the selection's parent element is a DIVif (parentElement && parentElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === "div") {
// Prevent the default Enter key behavior only if inside a DIV
// Insert a paragraph with a uniquely identifiable span (marker) for cursor placementvar uniqueMarker = '<p><span id="cursorPlaceholder">​</span></p>';
setTimeout(function () {
var doc = editor.get_document();
var placeholder = doc.getElementById("cursorPlaceholder");
if (placeholder) {
if (editor.selectElement) {
// Remove or replace the placeholder to leave the cursor in place
placeholder.outerHTML = "​"; // Replaces the placeholder with a zero-width space
}, 0); // Short delay to ensure DOM updates
// If not inside a DIV, the default behavior will occur automatically since args.set_cancel(true) is not called
We tested your snippet and this works out very well.
Is this a custom one, or something to implement in future versions?
Thanks again, Marc
Telerik team
commented on 21 Mar 2024, 08:12 AM
I'm glad to hear the solution met your expectations, Marc! To integrate this into the source code, I suggest logging it as an enhancement (bug report) or feature request. Please note, this change could significantly alter the current behavior, which might be suitable for some customers but not for others. It's an important consideration as we aim to maintain a balance that benefits the majority of our users.