I've managed to find a bug with the combo boxes. It appears that if the Item text ends with a space (and possibly certain other characters) then javascript and server side code cannot get the selected value from a combo box.
I combine first and surname fields using the following:
COALESCE(FirstName+' ','') + COALESCE(Surname,'')
on some entries there is only a first name and for these the combo box fails.
When testing I found that if I then added a space after the surname then these would fail as well.
Sample code follows:
I am currently using version 2010.1.519.35
I can get a partial work around by changing by SQL for the time being but obviously this is a problem with the control itself. It's only started happening since I applied the latest update.
Any idea when a fix can be made (or if indeed a fix has been made on a more recent compilation).
I've managed to find a bug with the combo boxes. It appears that if the Item text ends with a space (and possibly certain other characters) then javascript and server side code cannot get the selected value from a combo box.
I combine first and surname fields using the following:
COALESCE(FirstName+' ','') + COALESCE(Surname,'')
on some entries there is only a first name and for these the combo box fails.
When testing I found that if I then added a space after the surname then these would fail as well.
Sample code follows:
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="uxContact" Runat="server" EmptyMessage=" - Select a Client - " AllowCustomText="true" CssClass="fullWidthComboBoxSP" onclientselectedindexchanging="LoadContactChildren" onitemsrequested="uxContact_ItemsRequested" OnClientItemsRequested="DropDownLoaded" MarkFirstMatch="True"></telerik:RadComboBox> |
JS |
uxContact = $find('uxFormView_uxContact'); |
alert(uxContact.get_value()); |
DirectCast(uxFormView.FindControl("uxContact"), RadComboBox).SelectedValue |
I can get a partial work around by changing by SQL for the time being but obviously this is a problem with the control itself. It's only started happening since I applied the latest update.
Any idea when a fix can be made (or if indeed a fix has been made on a more recent compilation).