I have the below show MasterViewtable and NestedViewtable in my radgrid...
STEP 1 - I have attached textchanged event for all nestedview textboxes in OnItemCreated
protected void rdgEmployee_OnItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item is GridNestedViewItem)
GridNestedViewItem item = (GridNestedViewItem)e.Item;
RadNumericTextBox txtPropIncrease = (RadNumericTextBox)item.FindControl("txtPropIncrease");
txtPropIncrease.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txtPropIncrease_TextChanged);
STEP 2 - On the nesteview textbox textchanged event, i am getting griddataitem and manipulating my data based on that item.
protected void txtPropIncrease_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadNumericTextBox txtPropIncrease = sender as RadNumericTextBox;
GridNestedViewItem Childitem = (GridNestedViewItem)txtPropIncrease.NamingContainer;
GridDataItem parentItem = Childitem.ParentItem;
CalculateCompensationByComponent(parentItem, GridOperationType.MeritPercent, txtPropIncrease);
PROBLEM : When i change the first textbox value, the respected textbox extchanged event calling, but after changing first textbox value, i am trying to change the second textbox value, its suppose to call the second textbox textchanged event, its doing as expected, but it calling first textbox textchanged event before calling the its respected ( second textbox ) textchanged event.
Could you please help on this ? Why its calling the first textbox change event, even though i didn't change the value of it. ?
I have the below show MasterViewtable and NestedViewtable in my radgrid...
STEP 1 - I have attached textchanged event for all nestedview textboxes in OnItemCreated
protected void rdgEmployee_OnItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item is GridNestedViewItem)
GridNestedViewItem item = (GridNestedViewItem)e.Item;
RadNumericTextBox txtPropIncrease = (RadNumericTextBox)item.FindControl("txtPropIncrease");
txtPropIncrease.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txtPropIncrease_TextChanged);
STEP 2 - On the nesteview textbox textchanged event, i am getting griddataitem and manipulating my data based on that item.
protected void txtPropIncrease_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadNumericTextBox txtPropIncrease = sender as RadNumericTextBox;
GridNestedViewItem Childitem = (GridNestedViewItem)txtPropIncrease.NamingContainer;
GridDataItem parentItem = Childitem.ParentItem;
CalculateCompensationByComponent(parentItem, GridOperationType.MeritPercent, txtPropIncrease);
PROBLEM : When i change the first textbox value, the respected textbox extchanged event calling, but after changing first textbox value, i am trying to change the second textbox value, its suppose to call the second textbox textchanged event, its doing as expected, but it calling first textbox textchanged event before calling the its respected ( second textbox ) textchanged event.
Could you please help on this ? Why its calling the first textbox change event, even though i didn't change the value of it. ?