I've got a radgrid that has several levels of calculations - as the user drills down through groupings, calculations become more specific. Inside the toplevel radgrid, I've got another radgrid inside of a nestedviewtemplate such as this:
<MasterTableView DataKeyNames="id" HierarchyLoadMode="ServerOnDemand" HierarchyDefaultExpanded="false">
For every ExpandCollapse column or grid level, there is a padding that is introduced somehow (so that the nestedtemplate ui-wise appears as a child). Is there anyway to override that in the css? I can see that rgExpandCol is the class used to display the image, but I can see that my nested row contains a table cell with class rgExpandCol but no image is actually visible. Basically, I need my nested templates to expand to 100% of the width if at all possible. Any suggestions?
<MasterTableView DataKeyNames="id" HierarchyLoadMode="ServerOnDemand" HierarchyDefaultExpanded="false">
For every ExpandCollapse column or grid level, there is a padding that is introduced somehow (so that the nestedtemplate ui-wise appears as a child). Is there anyway to override that in the css? I can see that rgExpandCol is the class used to display the image, but I can see that my nested row contains a table cell with class rgExpandCol but no image is actually visible. Basically, I need my nested templates to expand to 100% of the width if at all possible. Any suggestions?