I have a radgrid1 (the parent) which allows you to insert records with a formtemplate.
inside radgrid1's form template i have another radgrid (radgrid2) which basically is a child of radgrid one.... think of radgrid1 as a cars, and radgrid 2 as carparts.... so i want to insert a honda.... but as part of honda i want to add engine, seats etc.
my problem is i'm not sure how to approach a scenario where i click "add new record" on radgrid1... my formtemplate pops up... but because performinsert hasn't been called yet.... i can't add items to my radgrid2 since the parent doesnt have a datakeyvalue yet as parent record not inserted yet.
How would you go about this? how would i databind the child grid when i'm still trying to add the parent?