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Nested Grid

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nagendra asked on 16 Oct 2010, 12:13 PM
Hi ,
I have Nested Grid.. I need to add new row to detail Table on click of button in Parent Grid.. I need to make Detail table visible and new row to be added when parent table button is clicked. Please provide me a solution to this.

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answered on 21 Oct 2010, 04:23 PM
Hi nagendra,

You can do this in the ItemCommand event in the following way:
protected void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName=="MyCommandName")
            e.Item.Expanded = true;
            GridTableView gridNestedView = (e.Item as GridDataItem).ChildItem.NestedTableViews[0];
            gridNestedView.IsItemInserted = true;
in the markup for the master grid you need to make a button column with the specified CommandName that will trigger this operation:
<MasterTableView ...>
             <telerik:GridButtonColumn UniqueName="btnCol" ButtonType="PushButton" CommandName="MyCommandName" Text="MyCommand"></telerik:GridButtonColumn>

Let me know how this works for you and if you have any other questions.

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