I am using Telerik grid with edit form template. When ItemDataBound event fires for this gird i have written various logic which must be satisfied/set for this event. So is there any server side code which can be moved to client side or minimized by using any inbuilt feature provided by teelrik?
Mainly i am calling four methods inside this even which descriptions are:
1>SetTpcHeaderCheckBoxValues- This methos is used to set the attributes of a checkbox on grids header coloumn.
2>SetTpcControlsDefaultValueInReadMode: this method is used to set the controls in readonly mode.
3>SetTpcToolTipAndWrapping: used to set the wrap and tool tip properties.
4>SetTpcControlsDefaultValueInEditMode: used to set the controls for the grid column which is in edit mode.
I have written all details regarding to this methodas below:
Protected Sub RgThridPartyCommissionsItemDataBound(sender As Object, _
e As GridItemEventArgs)
Dim item As GridDataItem = TryCast(e.Item, GridDataItem)
If (item IsNot Nothing) Then
SetTpcToolTipAndWrapping(e, item)
End If
If e.Item.IsInEditMode Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetTpcHeaderCheckBoxValues(ByVal e As GridItemEventArgs)
Dim headerItem As GridHeaderItem = TryCast(e.Item, GridHeaderItem)
If headerItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim headerCheckBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(headerItem("ClientSelectColumn").Controls(0), CheckBox)
headerCheckBox.Attributes.Add("onclick", String.Format _
("headerChecked(this,'{0}','{1}','{2}','lnkRemoveAllTpc','hdnTPCRowCount','hdnTPCRowChecked')", _
CacheDataSet.ThirdPartyCommissions, _
Master.InvoiceID.ToString(), _
If (Not CanDeleteRetailAgentCommissions) Then
headerCheckBox.Enabled = False
ElseIf hdnIsHeaderChecked.Value.Equals("false") Then
hdnHeaderChbxId.Value = headerCheckBox.ClientID
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetTpcControlsDefaultValueInReadMode(ByVal item As GridDataItem)
Dim rowID = DirectCast(item.FindControl("lblRowID"), Label).Text
Dim tpcRow = (From tpc In ThirdPartyCommissionRows
Where (tpc.RowID = rowID AndAlso tpc.IsSelected = "True")
Select tpc).FirstOrDefault()
'Edit template Start
Dim checkBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(item("ClientSelectColumn").Controls(0), CheckBox)
checkBox.Enabled = CanDeleteRetailAgentCommissions
checkBox.Attributes.Add("onclick", "chkClick(this,'lnkRemoveAllTpc','hdnTPCRowCount','hdnTPCRowChecked')")
'used to maintain the state of the checkbox.
If tpcRow IsNot Nothing Then
item.Selected = tpcRow.IsSelected
End If
Dim imgBtnEdit As ImageButton = DirectCast(item.FindControl("imgbtnTpcEdit"), ImageButton)
Dim imgBtnCopy As ImageButton = DirectCast(item.FindControl("imgbtnTpcCopy"), ImageButton)
Dim imgBtnDelete As ImageButton = DirectCast(item.FindControl("imgbtnTpcDelete"), ImageButton)
imgBtnEdit.OnClientClick = _
String.Format("return onThirdPartyCommissionEditClick({0})", item.ItemIndex)
imgBtnCopy.OnClientClick = _
String.Format("return CanEditGrid('{0}','TPC','')", item.ItemIndex)
imgBtnDelete.OnClientClick = _
String.Format("return CanEditGrid('{0}','TPC','Remove')", item.ItemIndex)
Dim lbTypeTpc As Label
lbTypeTpc = DirectCast(item.FindControl("lbType"), Label)
Dim lbFeeCode As Label = DirectCast(item.FindControl("lbFeeCode"), Label)
'Fix start for defect 7877
Dim fee As String
If lbFeeCode IsNot Nothing Then
fee = lbFeeCode.Text
If (fee.Contains("Default1")) Then
lbFeeCode.Text = fee
End If
If (fee.Contains("Default")) Then
fee = fee.Replace("Default", "")
lbFeeCode.Text = fee
End If
If (fee = "1") Then
fee = fee.Replace("1", "")
lbFeeCode.Text = fee
End If
End If
'Fix end for defect 7877
Dim radToolTipTpcDescription As RadToolTip = _
DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCDescription"), RadToolTip)
Dim radToolTipTpcCommissionOnType As RadToolTip = _
DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCCommissionOnType"), RadToolTip)
Dim type As String
If lbTypeTpc IsNot Nothing Then
type = lbTypeTpc.Text
If type.Contains("/") Then
lbTypeTpc.Text = type.Split("/")(0)
lbFeeCode.Text = type.Split("/")(1)
radToolTipTpcDescription.Text = type.Split("/")(1)
radToolTipTpcCommissionOnType.Text = type.Split("/")(0)
End If
End If
CheckRightsForGridControl _
(CanAddRetailAgentCommission, CanEditRetailAgentCommission, _
CanViewRetailAgentCommissions, CanDeleteRetailAgentCommissions, _
imgBtnEdit, imgBtnCopy, imgBtnDelete)
DisableLinksForHistory(imgBtnEdit, imgBtnCopy, imgBtnDelete)
End Sub
Private Sub SetTpcToolTipAndWrapping(ByVal e As GridItemEventArgs, ByVal item As GridDataItem)
'0th index column is hide so this attributes not required
'Tpc grid columns count to apply wrap unwrap - 7
For col As Integer = 1 To 7
item(rgThirdPartyCommissions.Columns(col).UniqueName).Wrap = checkWrapPremium.Checked
If (checkWrapPremium.Checked AndAlso e.Item.IsInEditMode = False) Then
Dim radToolTip As RadToolTip
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCDescription"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCLOB"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCName"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCGroupType"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCBilling"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCCommissionOnType"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCRateType"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetTpcControlsDefaultValueInEditMode(ByVal e As GridItemEventArgs)
Dim itemEditForm As GridEditFormItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridEditFormItem)
Dim ddlTpcFeeCode As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCFeeCode"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCInvoiceItemLevel"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcName As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCName"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcRole As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCRole"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcType As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCType"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcRateType As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCRateType"), RadComboBox)
Dim tbTpcRate As RadNumericTextBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdtbTPCRate"), RadNumericTextBox)
Dim tbTpcCommissionAmtCal As RadNumericTextBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdtbTPCCommissionAmount"), RadNumericTextBox)
Dim tbTpcBilling As RadTextBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rtbTCPBilling"), RadTextBox)
Dim itemEdit As GridEditableItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridEditableItem)
Dim btnCancelOrDelete As Button = DirectCast(itemEdit.FindControl("btnCancel"), Button)
If ViewState("IsNewRowAdded") = True Then
btnCancelOrDelete.CommandName = "Delete"
btnCancelOrDelete.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "DeleteRecord('TPC');")
btnCancelOrDelete.CommandName = "Cancel"
btnCancelOrDelete.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "resetEditIndex('TPC');")
End If
Dim tpcEditRowFilter = ThirdPartyCommissionRows.ElementAt(itemEditForm.DataSetIndex)
EnableDisablePaging("TPCClassToHidePageSelector", "TPCClassToHidePageResizer", "true")
'Assign the default values to the respective controls
If Not (TypeOf e.Item Is IGridInsertItem) Then
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridEditFormItem Then
ddlTpcName.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.MemberID
SetTpcRoleComboAsPerPartyType(ddlTpcName, ddlTpcRole)
SetTpcBilling(tbTpcBilling, ddlTpcName)
ddlTpcType.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.CommissionOnTypeID
BindTpcInvoiceItemLevel(ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel, _
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.InvoiceItemID
If (Not tpcEditRowFilter.IsInvoiceItemNonPremiumFeeIDNull()) Then
ddlTpcFeeCode.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.InvoiceItemNonPremiumFeeID
ddlTpcFeeCode.SelectedValue = 0
End If
If (ddlTpcFeeCode.SelectedValue <> 0) Then
ddlTpcFeeCode.Enabled = True
ddlTpcFeeCode.Enabled = False
End If
tbTpcBilling.Text = tpcEditRowFilter.glAgencyBillRetAgentReceivableMethodText
BindTpcRateType(ddlTpcType, ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel, _
ddlTpcFeeCode, ddlTpcRateType)
ddlTpcRateType.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.RateTypeID
tbTpcRate.Text = PolicyInfoCommon.FormatRate(tpcEditRowFilter.Rate, _
'Set value for hdnPremiumFeeAmtForTpc
ddlTpcRateType.Text = ddlTpcRateType.SelectedItem.Text
tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text = tpcEditRowFilter.AmountDueUI
tbTpcRate.Attributes.Add _
("onBlur", "return validateThirdPartyRate('" + tbTpcRate.ClientID + "','" _
+ tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.ClientID + "' ,'" + ddlTpcRateType.ClientID + "')")
'If record is new then enabled required dropdowns
If (IsNewTpcRecord = True) Then
ddlTpcType.Enabled = True
ddlTpcName.Enabled = True
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.Enabled = True
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.Items.Insert _
(0, New RadComboBoxItem(PolicyInfoConstants.pleaseSelect, _
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.SelectedValue = 0
ddlTpcRateType.Items.Insert(0, New RadComboBoxItem _
(PolicyInfoConstants.pleaseSelect, _
ddlTpcRateType.SelectedValue = 0
ddlTpcFeeCode.Items.Insert(0, New RadComboBoxItem _
(PolicyInfoConstants.pleaseSelect, _
ddlTpcFeeCode.SelectedValue = 0
ddlTpcType.SelectedValue = 0
ddlTpcRole.SelectedValue = 0
tbTpcBilling.Text = String.Empty
IsNewTpcRecord = False
End If
If (tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text.Equals("")) Then
tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text = 0
End If
If (IsClickOnCopy) Then
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.Enabled = True
ddlTpcName.Enabled = True
ddlTpcType.Enabled = True
IsClickOnCopy = False
End If
If ddlTpcRateType.Text = PolicyInfoConstants.flat Then
tbTpcRate.NumberFormat.DecimalDigits = 2
tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text = FormatNumber _
(tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text, 2)
tbTpcRate.NumberFormat.DecimalDigits = 4
End If
End If
End If
'Fix start for defect 8512
Dim controlClientId As String = Nothing
'If new record then set focus on 'Name'
If (ddlTpcName.Enabled) Then '
controlClientId = ddlTpcName.ClientID + "_Input"
ElseIf (ddlTpcRateType.Enabled) Then
'If in Edit mode then set focus on 'Rate Type'
controlClientId = ddlTpcRateType.ClientID + "_Input"
End If
hdnRemoveTabValue.Value = controlClientId
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock _
(Me, GetType(Page), "ToggleScript", "SetFocusAfterPostBack('" & controlClientId & "');", True)
End Sub
Mainly i am calling four methods inside this even which descriptions are:
1>SetTpcHeaderCheckBoxValues- This methos is used to set the attributes of a checkbox on grids header coloumn.
2>SetTpcControlsDefaultValueInReadMode: this method is used to set the controls in readonly mode.
3>SetTpcToolTipAndWrapping: used to set the wrap and tool tip properties.
4>SetTpcControlsDefaultValueInEditMode: used to set the controls for the grid column which is in edit mode.
I have written all details regarding to this methodas below:
Protected Sub RgThridPartyCommissionsItemDataBound(sender As Object, _
e As GridItemEventArgs)
Dim item As GridDataItem = TryCast(e.Item, GridDataItem)
If (item IsNot Nothing) Then
SetTpcToolTipAndWrapping(e, item)
End If
If e.Item.IsInEditMode Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetTpcHeaderCheckBoxValues(ByVal e As GridItemEventArgs)
Dim headerItem As GridHeaderItem = TryCast(e.Item, GridHeaderItem)
If headerItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim headerCheckBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(headerItem("ClientSelectColumn").Controls(0), CheckBox)
headerCheckBox.Attributes.Add("onclick", String.Format _
("headerChecked(this,'{0}','{1}','{2}','lnkRemoveAllTpc','hdnTPCRowCount','hdnTPCRowChecked')", _
CacheDataSet.ThirdPartyCommissions, _
Master.InvoiceID.ToString(), _
If (Not CanDeleteRetailAgentCommissions) Then
headerCheckBox.Enabled = False
ElseIf hdnIsHeaderChecked.Value.Equals("false") Then
hdnHeaderChbxId.Value = headerCheckBox.ClientID
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetTpcControlsDefaultValueInReadMode(ByVal item As GridDataItem)
Dim rowID = DirectCast(item.FindControl("lblRowID"), Label).Text
Dim tpcRow = (From tpc In ThirdPartyCommissionRows
Where (tpc.RowID = rowID AndAlso tpc.IsSelected = "True")
Select tpc).FirstOrDefault()
'Edit template Start
Dim checkBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(item("ClientSelectColumn").Controls(0), CheckBox)
checkBox.Enabled = CanDeleteRetailAgentCommissions
checkBox.Attributes.Add("onclick", "chkClick(this,'lnkRemoveAllTpc','hdnTPCRowCount','hdnTPCRowChecked')")
'used to maintain the state of the checkbox.
If tpcRow IsNot Nothing Then
item.Selected = tpcRow.IsSelected
End If
Dim imgBtnEdit As ImageButton = DirectCast(item.FindControl("imgbtnTpcEdit"), ImageButton)
Dim imgBtnCopy As ImageButton = DirectCast(item.FindControl("imgbtnTpcCopy"), ImageButton)
Dim imgBtnDelete As ImageButton = DirectCast(item.FindControl("imgbtnTpcDelete"), ImageButton)
imgBtnEdit.OnClientClick = _
String.Format("return onThirdPartyCommissionEditClick({0})", item.ItemIndex)
imgBtnCopy.OnClientClick = _
String.Format("return CanEditGrid('{0}','TPC','')", item.ItemIndex)
imgBtnDelete.OnClientClick = _
String.Format("return CanEditGrid('{0}','TPC','Remove')", item.ItemIndex)
Dim lbTypeTpc As Label
lbTypeTpc = DirectCast(item.FindControl("lbType"), Label)
Dim lbFeeCode As Label = DirectCast(item.FindControl("lbFeeCode"), Label)
'Fix start for defect 7877
Dim fee As String
If lbFeeCode IsNot Nothing Then
fee = lbFeeCode.Text
If (fee.Contains("Default1")) Then
lbFeeCode.Text = fee
End If
If (fee.Contains("Default")) Then
fee = fee.Replace("Default", "")
lbFeeCode.Text = fee
End If
If (fee = "1") Then
fee = fee.Replace("1", "")
lbFeeCode.Text = fee
End If
End If
'Fix end for defect 7877
Dim radToolTipTpcDescription As RadToolTip = _
DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCDescription"), RadToolTip)
Dim radToolTipTpcCommissionOnType As RadToolTip = _
DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCCommissionOnType"), RadToolTip)
Dim type As String
If lbTypeTpc IsNot Nothing Then
type = lbTypeTpc.Text
If type.Contains("/") Then
lbTypeTpc.Text = type.Split("/")(0)
lbFeeCode.Text = type.Split("/")(1)
radToolTipTpcDescription.Text = type.Split("/")(1)
radToolTipTpcCommissionOnType.Text = type.Split("/")(0)
End If
End If
CheckRightsForGridControl _
(CanAddRetailAgentCommission, CanEditRetailAgentCommission, _
CanViewRetailAgentCommissions, CanDeleteRetailAgentCommissions, _
imgBtnEdit, imgBtnCopy, imgBtnDelete)
DisableLinksForHistory(imgBtnEdit, imgBtnCopy, imgBtnDelete)
End Sub
Private Sub SetTpcToolTipAndWrapping(ByVal e As GridItemEventArgs, ByVal item As GridDataItem)
'0th index column is hide so this attributes not required
'Tpc grid columns count to apply wrap unwrap - 7
For col As Integer = 1 To 7
item(rgThirdPartyCommissions.Columns(col).UniqueName).Wrap = checkWrapPremium.Checked
If (checkWrapPremium.Checked AndAlso e.Item.IsInEditMode = False) Then
Dim radToolTip As RadToolTip
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCDescription"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCLOB"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCName"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCGroupType"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCBilling"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCCommissionOnType"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
radToolTip = DirectCast(item.FindControl("radToolTipTPCRateType"), RadToolTip)
radToolTip.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetTpcControlsDefaultValueInEditMode(ByVal e As GridItemEventArgs)
Dim itemEditForm As GridEditFormItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridEditFormItem)
Dim ddlTpcFeeCode As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCFeeCode"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCInvoiceItemLevel"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcName As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCName"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcRole As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCRole"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcType As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCType"), RadComboBox)
Dim ddlTpcRateType As RadComboBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdcmbTPCRateType"), RadComboBox)
Dim tbTpcRate As RadNumericTextBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdtbTPCRate"), RadNumericTextBox)
Dim tbTpcCommissionAmtCal As RadNumericTextBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rdtbTPCCommissionAmount"), RadNumericTextBox)
Dim tbTpcBilling As RadTextBox = _
DirectCast(itemEditForm.FindControl("rtbTCPBilling"), RadTextBox)
Dim itemEdit As GridEditableItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridEditableItem)
Dim btnCancelOrDelete As Button = DirectCast(itemEdit.FindControl("btnCancel"), Button)
If ViewState("IsNewRowAdded") = True Then
btnCancelOrDelete.CommandName = "Delete"
btnCancelOrDelete.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "DeleteRecord('TPC');")
btnCancelOrDelete.CommandName = "Cancel"
btnCancelOrDelete.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "resetEditIndex('TPC');")
End If
Dim tpcEditRowFilter = ThirdPartyCommissionRows.ElementAt(itemEditForm.DataSetIndex)
EnableDisablePaging("TPCClassToHidePageSelector", "TPCClassToHidePageResizer", "true")
'Assign the default values to the respective controls
If Not (TypeOf e.Item Is IGridInsertItem) Then
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridEditFormItem Then
ddlTpcName.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.MemberID
SetTpcRoleComboAsPerPartyType(ddlTpcName, ddlTpcRole)
SetTpcBilling(tbTpcBilling, ddlTpcName)
ddlTpcType.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.CommissionOnTypeID
BindTpcInvoiceItemLevel(ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel, _
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.InvoiceItemID
If (Not tpcEditRowFilter.IsInvoiceItemNonPremiumFeeIDNull()) Then
ddlTpcFeeCode.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.InvoiceItemNonPremiumFeeID
ddlTpcFeeCode.SelectedValue = 0
End If
If (ddlTpcFeeCode.SelectedValue <> 0) Then
ddlTpcFeeCode.Enabled = True
ddlTpcFeeCode.Enabled = False
End If
tbTpcBilling.Text = tpcEditRowFilter.glAgencyBillRetAgentReceivableMethodText
BindTpcRateType(ddlTpcType, ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel, _
ddlTpcFeeCode, ddlTpcRateType)
ddlTpcRateType.SelectedValue = tpcEditRowFilter.RateTypeID
tbTpcRate.Text = PolicyInfoCommon.FormatRate(tpcEditRowFilter.Rate, _
'Set value for hdnPremiumFeeAmtForTpc
ddlTpcRateType.Text = ddlTpcRateType.SelectedItem.Text
tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text = tpcEditRowFilter.AmountDueUI
tbTpcRate.Attributes.Add _
("onBlur", "return validateThirdPartyRate('" + tbTpcRate.ClientID + "','" _
+ tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.ClientID + "' ,'" + ddlTpcRateType.ClientID + "')")
'If record is new then enabled required dropdowns
If (IsNewTpcRecord = True) Then
ddlTpcType.Enabled = True
ddlTpcName.Enabled = True
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.Enabled = True
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.Items.Insert _
(0, New RadComboBoxItem(PolicyInfoConstants.pleaseSelect, _
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.SelectedValue = 0
ddlTpcRateType.Items.Insert(0, New RadComboBoxItem _
(PolicyInfoConstants.pleaseSelect, _
ddlTpcRateType.SelectedValue = 0
ddlTpcFeeCode.Items.Insert(0, New RadComboBoxItem _
(PolicyInfoConstants.pleaseSelect, _
ddlTpcFeeCode.SelectedValue = 0
ddlTpcType.SelectedValue = 0
ddlTpcRole.SelectedValue = 0
tbTpcBilling.Text = String.Empty
IsNewTpcRecord = False
End If
If (tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text.Equals("")) Then
tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text = 0
End If
If (IsClickOnCopy) Then
ddlTpcInvoiceItemLevel.Enabled = True
ddlTpcName.Enabled = True
ddlTpcType.Enabled = True
IsClickOnCopy = False
End If
If ddlTpcRateType.Text = PolicyInfoConstants.flat Then
tbTpcRate.NumberFormat.DecimalDigits = 2
tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text = FormatNumber _
(tbTpcCommissionAmtCal.Text, 2)
tbTpcRate.NumberFormat.DecimalDigits = 4
End If
End If
End If
'Fix start for defect 8512
Dim controlClientId As String = Nothing
'If new record then set focus on 'Name'
If (ddlTpcName.Enabled) Then '
controlClientId = ddlTpcName.ClientID + "_Input"
ElseIf (ddlTpcRateType.Enabled) Then
'If in Edit mode then set focus on 'Rate Type'
controlClientId = ddlTpcRateType.ClientID + "_Input"
End If
hdnRemoveTabValue.Value = controlClientId
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock _
(Me, GetType(Page), "ToggleScript", "SetFocusAfterPostBack('" & controlClientId & "');", True)
End Sub