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Navigate To Record in Grid

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Michael asked on 13 Mar 2009, 12:06 AM
Our client has a really abnormal requirement and we are having troubles trying to implement it. They need a grid with a search/filter control. The catch is that when they search they want it to jump to the first record that is closest to their match.

For example they search for "MC" where the valid values are "AM", "DC", "MA", and "ZA" the selected record should become "MA". If it's on a different page then it needs to change the grid page.

We tried using the "Google-Like" filtering, which could possibly provide an alternative; however, there are way too may records to populate a drop-down list. There are approx. 10,000 records in the grid.

We are open to nearly any solution as this component is the single most important feature for this project.

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Telerik team
answered on 16 Mar 2009, 02:50 PM
Hello Michael,

In this case, you can try another approach.
Attached to this message, is a small application, demonstrating it.
I hope it helps.

the Telerik team

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