I have a page bound to model with multiple comboboxes and textboxes which like
@(Html.Kendo().ComboBoxFor(i => i.Accountant)...) and @(Html.Kendo().TextBoxFor(m => m.ZipCode)...) etc.
I also have a textbox bound to "Name" property of the model:
@(Html.Kendo().TextBoxFor(m => m.Name)...)
Also on the same page I have a grid (bound to another data) with popup editable window.
And this popup window also has a textbox bound to "Name" property (but from another model).
This particular textbox looks like simple input, not like kendo ui element.
I think, this is because I have two TextBoxFor elements, each bound to a property "Name" and so they have same id attributes ("#Name").
Is it possible to make textbox in popup window to looki like kendo element without renaming property of the model? Or is it possible to change the id of the second TextBoxFor element?
I tried to add the .Name("AnotherName") method to the second TextBoxFor element, but it doesn't work, the page doesn't load correctly. I tried to add the .Name("AnotherName") method to the first TextBoxFor element, but I received an error "You cannot override component name when bound to a model expression"