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Multiple RAdwindows on the page

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Vitaly asked on 24 May 2017, 02:18 PM


I have multiple Radwindow on the same page:

<telerik:RadWindow ID="RadWindow2" runat="server" Modal="true" Animation="Fade" AutoSizeBehaviors="Default" Width="600px" Height="330px"
VisibleStatusbar="false" AutoSize="false" Behaviors="Move" Skin="Outlook"  Title = "Request"
EnableEmbeddedSkins="true" EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet="true" KeepInScreenBounds="true" EnableShadow="false" VisibleOnPageLoad="False">
<p style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:#195695; margin:10px; text-align:justify;">
<b>SPC schedule in Galaxy does not match EIS Portal created 'saved' request.</b>
<p style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:Navy; text-align:justify; padding-left:5px;">
To see EIS Portal initiated 'saved' request information,please follow instruction below:
<p style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:Navy; text-align:justify; padding-left:5px;">
1. In the 'SEARCH CRITERIA' please choose option 'All' from dropdownlist of the 'Record Stat'.
<p style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:Navy; text-align:justify; padding-left:5px;">
2. Click 'SEARCH' button.

<p style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:Navy; text-align:justify;padding-left:5px;">
On the screen look below 'Employee request(s) Information' and there will be a listing of all requests that
have been made.For this request you will see two lines:
<p style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:Navy; text-align:justify;padding-left:5px;">
1. 'Rec Status' 'G' - Galaxy Generated current request
<p style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:Navy; text-align:justify;padding-left:5px;">
2. 'Rec Status' 'H' - EIS Portal Initiated invalid history request
<p style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:Navy; text-align:justify; margin:10px;">
<b>To update information and send the request for approval you can use 'G' record only.</b>
<div style="text-align:center;" >
<asp:Button ID="FormButton" runat="server" Text="Go to Form" Width="80px" CssClass="button" OnClick="FormButton_Click"/>
<asp:Button ID="CancelButton" runat="server" Text="Close" Width="80px" CssClass="button" />


<telerik:RadWindow ID="RadWindow3" runat="server" Modal="true" Animation="Fade" AutoSizeBehaviors="Default" Width="600px" Height="190px"
VisibleStatusbar="false" AutoSize="false" Behaviors="Move" Skin="Outlook" Title="AVAILABLE OPTIONS"
EnableEmbeddedSkins="true" EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet="true" KeepInScreenBounds="true" EnableShadow="false" VisibleOnPageLoad="False">
<p style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:Navy; padding-left:10px; text-align:justify;">
This option should be use to create 'Place Holder' for the new schedule only.
if you want to proceed click on <asp:Button ID ="SubmitBtn" runat="server" Text="Go To Form"
Width="80px" CssClass="button" OnClick="SubmitBtn_Click" />
<p style=" font-family:Verdana; font-size:small; color:Navy; text-align:justify; margin:15px; ">
If currently approved schedule already exists for this employee, you can modify it
by clicking on 'Link to Form' Button on the home page.
if you want to proceed with this option click on <asp:Button ID="HomeBtn" runat="server" Text="Home Page"
Width="80px" CssClass="button"/>  

I would like to have different style of titles for this radwindow.

For example for first RadWindow I want color Navy for second RadWindow I Want color Red and different font sizes as well.

How can I achieve this?

thanks so much for your help.





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