I have a 3-tier hierarchy grid that, currently, displays great. However, I run into problems when I start trying to export the data to PDF/Export. Because it'd be a ton of code if I tried to post everything, I'll do my best using pseudocode. Currently, my report hierarchy goes like this:
Let's say radgrid1 holds customer names, and its one detail table holds product names, so that all the information in nestedviewtemplate holds production descriptions and such.
With the exception of of radgrid1, everything is databinded via the needdatasource event. When i go to export to excel, my code looks something like this:
The resulting PDF/Excel has all of the data from RadGrid1 and its child table exported, but nothing from the nestedviewtemplate. Essentially, all I am getting is a list of Customer Names and Product names under them in my report, with no product description data.
Any advice would be great.
Thank you,
I have a 3-tier hierarchy grid that, currently, displays great. However, I run into problems when I start trying to export the data to PDF/Export. Because it'd be a ton of code if I tried to post everything, I'll do my best using pseudocode. Currently, my report hierarchy goes like this:
Let's say radgrid1 holds customer names, and its one detail table holds product names, so that all the information in nestedviewtemplate holds production descriptions and such.
With the exception of of radgrid1, everything is databinded via the needdatasource event. When i go to export to excel, my code looks something like this:
radgrid1.ExportSettings.OpenInNewWindow =
radgrid1.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData =
(GridDataItem i
i.expanded =
(GridDataItem j
j.expanded =
The resulting PDF/Excel has all of the data from RadGrid1 and its child table exported, but nothing from the nestedviewtemplate. Essentially, all I am getting is a list of Customer Names and Product names under them in my report, with no product description data.
Any advice would be great.
Thank you,