I am using RadEditor with the MS Word spelling provider. I used the instructions at http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-ajax/spell/enabling-ms-word-spell-checking.aspx to get it working.
It is spell-checking, but it does not seem to be using the en-US.tdf file in my ~/App_Data/RadSpell/ directory. The special words (medical terms) I added to the dictionary are still flagged as misspellings. Also, I can rename the file, and it still does spell-checking.
Here is my markup:
It is spell-checking, but it does not seem to be using the en-US.tdf file in my ~/App_Data/RadSpell/ directory. The special words (medical terms) I added to the dictionary are still flagged as misspellings. Also, I can rename the file, and it still does spell-checking.
Here is my markup:
<telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="edNotes" Height="200" Width="98%" ContentAreaMode="Iframe" EditModes="Design" EnableResize="true" ToolsFile="~/App_Data/ToolsFile.xml" SpellCheckSettings-CustomDictionarySuffix="Custom" SpellCheckSettings-DictionaryLanguage="en-US" SpellCheckSettings-DictionaryPath="~/App_Data/RadSpell/" SpellCheckSettings-SpellCheckProvider="MicrosoftWordProvider" SpellCheckSettings-AllowAddCustom="true" /> I have the following in my Page_Load routine:edNotes.SpellCheckSettings.SpellCheckProviderTypeName = typeof(Telerik.Web.UI.WordSpellCheckProvider).AssemblyQualifiedName;Is the MS Word provider supposed to use en-US.tdf, or does it use the dictionary that Word/Office uses? I tested that and it does not seem to be using the Word dictionary. Also, I need to get the Custom dictionary file working as well. Please comment on that as well. Thanks, - Tim