I have a very basic report, showing about 20 fields with Headers,Details and Footer with aggregates.
The columns are docked left, what aligns them very nicely.
I added them with the wizard and then tested the report, all went fine.
But some fields where simply to narrow so I wanted to make them wider. I marked the header, the detail and the aggregate field of one column and hit SHIFT+Arrow Left, wich made all marked fields 1 pixel wider - fine so far. But after that all fields are unmarked and I couldn 't continue, but instead, had to mark all fields again.
I'm aware that I could resize one and align the other by using "Format->Make Same Size" but this triples the clicks necessary. A realy pain in the a** with 20+ fields.
And after aligning the fiels, they also get unmarked and I have to mark them a second time if I want to align them not only in size but also by position
Same happens when I try to move multiple fields at once with the arrow keys. Here moving the fileds with the mouse is no option, because you can't move fields from different sections with the mouse, all fields but the ones from a single section get unmarked.
Another problem I have is the order in which the columns appear on my report.
I use the "Dock:Left"-Property to align them, but I like to change the order in wich they are aligned.
I already tried to change the order in which my SQL-Select statement retireves them from the database, but that didn't have any effect plus my calculated columns always appear at the end.
Another question would be if there is a option to add aggreagated fields like SUM/AVG fields automatically to a group/report footer.
Again I can do this by hand but work sum pretty much up with many columns.
I hope you can give me some solutions for the problems above, because I was really looking forward to get rid of CrystalReports and replace in with something better, but with my reports mainly consisting of simple data and aggregate footers but with many different columns, using the TelerikReports-Designer is, right now, not very comfortable.
Thanks in advance
I have a very basic report, showing about 20 fields with Headers,Details and Footer with aggregates.
The columns are docked left, what aligns them very nicely.
I added them with the wizard and then tested the report, all went fine.
But some fields where simply to narrow so I wanted to make them wider. I marked the header, the detail and the aggregate field of one column and hit SHIFT+Arrow Left, wich made all marked fields 1 pixel wider - fine so far. But after that all fields are unmarked and I couldn 't continue, but instead, had to mark all fields again.
I'm aware that I could resize one and align the other by using "Format->Make Same Size" but this triples the clicks necessary. A realy pain in the a** with 20+ fields.
And after aligning the fiels, they also get unmarked and I have to mark them a second time if I want to align them not only in size but also by position
Same happens when I try to move multiple fields at once with the arrow keys. Here moving the fileds with the mouse is no option, because you can't move fields from different sections with the mouse, all fields but the ones from a single section get unmarked.
Another problem I have is the order in which the columns appear on my report.
I use the "Dock:Left"-Property to align them, but I like to change the order in wich they are aligned.
I already tried to change the order in which my SQL-Select statement retireves them from the database, but that didn't have any effect plus my calculated columns always appear at the end.
Another question would be if there is a option to add aggreagated fields like SUM/AVG fields automatically to a group/report footer.
Again I can do this by hand but work sum pretty much up with many columns.
I hope you can give me some solutions for the problems above, because I was really looking forward to get rid of CrystalReports and replace in with something better, but with my reports mainly consisting of simple data and aggregate footers but with many different columns, using the TelerikReports-Designer is, right now, not very comfortable.
Thanks in advance