I have just relocated my localhost server (iis7) to a different drive, and got the websites all back up and running.
All the telerik controls work fine when previewing the pages, but I now get 'error rendering control' in Visual Studio
2008 design view, for all Telerik controls.
Something must have got disconnected in the move I guess. What is the best way to fix this?
Q2 2009 controls, windows vista, IIS7, Visual Studio 2008 with SP, asp.net 3.5 SP1
I have just relocated my localhost server (iis7) to a different drive, and got the websites all back up and running.
All the telerik controls work fine when previewing the pages, but I now get 'error rendering control' in Visual Studio
2008 design view, for all Telerik controls.
Something must have got disconnected in the move I guess. What is the best way to fix this?
Q2 2009 controls, windows vista, IIS7, Visual Studio 2008 with SP, asp.net 3.5 SP1