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Mouse over on a row style

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fer asked on 23 Feb 2009, 05:33 PM
When I move the mouse over a row, the style is painting 2 rows togheter (the one where I am over and the next).
I want to know if it is possible to change it and only show with this style the row where I am over and not both.

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Dimitar Milushev
Telerik team
answered on 25 Feb 2009, 12:36 PM
Hi fer,

If you want to change the hover only visually, you can use CSS styles:

    <style type="text/css">
        div.RadScheduler .rsAptCreateRow1
            /* Styles for first row */

        div.RadScheduler .rsAptCreateRow2
            /* Styles for second row */

Keep in mind that this will only change the hover visually. If you would like to change the functionality (e.g. new appointments being one row long) you can set the NumberOfHoveredRows property of RadScheduler which will also affect the number of visually hovered rows:

<telerik:RadScheduler runat="server" ID="RadScheduler1" NumberOfHoveredRows="1"

I hope this helps.

Dimitar Milushev
the Telerik team

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Dimitar Milushev
Telerik team
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