I am creating an xml file for the default settings and have got everything except the Module Manager. No doubt this is a custom tool. How could I build this as it is usefull to have modules that can be turned on/off from split button.
Below is the xml I have so far. If I can only do it in code that is fine.
Below is the xml I have so far. If I can only do it in code that is fine.
<root> |
<modules> |
<module name="RadEditorStatistics" dockingZone="Bottom" enabled="true" visible="true" dockable="true" /> |
</modules> |
<tools name="MainToolbar" dockable="true" enabled="true"> |
<tool name="Print" /> |
<tool name="AjaxSpellCheck"/> |
<tool name="FindAndReplace" /> |
<tool name="Cut" /> |
<tool name="Copy" /> |
<tool name="Paste" shortcut="CTRL+!"/> |
<EditorToolStrip Name="Paste Options" popupheight="145px"> |
<EditorTool Name="Paste" /> |
<EditorTool Name="PasteFromWord" /> |
<EditorTool Name="PasteFromWordNoFontsNoSizes" /> |
<EditorTool Name="PastePlainText" /> |
<EditorTool Name="PasteAsHtml" /> |
</EditorToolStrip> |
<tool separator="true"/> |
<tool name="Undo" /> |
<tool name="Redo" /> |
</tools> |
<tools name="InsertToolbar" dockable="true" enabled="true" > |
<tool name="ImageManager" shortcut="CTRL+M"/> |
<tool name="ImageMapDialog"/> |
<tool separator="true"/> |
<tool name="FlashManager" /> |
<tool name="MediaManager" /> |
<tool name="DocumentManager" /> |
<tool name="TemplateManager" /> |
<tool separator="true"/> |
<tool name="LinkManager" /> |
<tool name="Unlink" /> |
</tools> |
<tools> |
<tool name="Superscript" /> |
<tool name="Subscript" /> |
<tool name="InsertParagraph" /> |
<tool name="InsertGroupbox" /> |
<tool name="InsertHorizontalRule" /> |
<tool name="InsertDate" /> |
<tool name="InsertTime" /> |
</tools> |
<tools name="DropdownToolbar" dockable="true" > |
<tool name="FormatBlock"/> |
<tool name="FontName"/> |
<tool name="RealFontSize"/> |
</tools> |
<tools> |
<tool name="SelectAll" /> |
<tool separator="true"/> |
<tool name="Bold" /> |
<tool name="Italic" /> |
<tool name="Underline" /> |
<tool name="StrikeThrough" /> |
<tool separator="true"/> |
<tool name="JustifyLeft" /> |
<tool name="JustifyCenter" /> |
<tool name="JustifyRight" /> |
<tool name="JustifyFull" /> |
<tool name="JustifyNone" /> |
<tool separator="true"/> |
<tool name="Indent" /> |
<tool name="Outdent" /> |
<tool name="InsertOrderedList" /> |
<tool name="InsertUnorderedList"/> |
<tool separator="true"/> |
<tool name="ToggleTableBorder" /> |
</tools> |
<tools> |
<tool name="ForeColor" /> |
<tool name="BackColor"/> |
<tool name="ApplyClass"/> |
<tool name="FormatStripper" /> |
</tools> |
<tools> |
<tool name="InsertSymbol" /> |
<tool name="InsertTable" /> |
<tool name="InsertFormElement" /> |
<tool name="InsertSnippet" /> |
<tool name="ImageMapDialog"/> |
<tool name="InsertCustomLink"/> |
<tool separator="true"/> |
<tool name="ConvertToLower" /> |
<tool name="ConvertToUpper" /> |
<tool separator="true"/> |
<tool name="AboutDialog" /> |
<tool name="Zoom" /> |
<!--<EditorToolStrip Name="ModuleManager" popupheight="145px"> |
<tool name="Statistics" /> |
<tool name="Tag Inspector" /> |
<tool name="Properties Inspector" /> |
<tool name="Real-Time HRML View" /> |
</EditorToolStrip>--> |
<tool name="ToggleScreenMode" /> |
</tools> |
<links> |
<!--<link name="telerik" href="http://www.telerik.com"> |
<link name="Products" href="http://www.telerik.com/products"> |
<link name="RadEditor" href="http://www.telerik.com/radeditor" /> |
</link> |
<link name="Purchase" href="http://www.telerik.com/purchase" /> |
<link name="Support" href="http://www.telerik.com/support" /> |
<link name="Client.Net" href="http://www.telerik.com/clientnet" /> |
</link> |
<link name="Microsoft"> |
<link name="Main Site" href="http://www.microsoft.com" /> |
<link name="MSDN Online" href="http://msdn.microsoft.com" /> |
<link name="Windows Update" href="http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com" /> |
</link> |
<link name="Search Engines"> |
<link name="Google" href="http://www.google.com" /> |
<link name="Yahoo" href="http://www.yahoo.com" /> |
<link name="AltaVista" href="http://www.altavista.com" /> |
</link>--> |
</links> |
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<!--<snippet name="Order Confirmation"> |
<![CDATA[ |
<div style="width:300px;border:2px outset #D8D2BD;padding:34px;font-family:Arial, Verdana; font-size:11px;background-color:#F1EFE6;"> |
Dear ____________________,<br /> |
Thank you for inquiring about ____________. Your request will be processed in 48 hours and shipped at the address you have provided. |
<br /><br /> |
<b>Please, contact us if you have any problems.</b> |
</div> |
]]> |
</snippet> |
<snippet name="Email Signature"> |
<![CDATA[ |
<div style="margin-top:30px;width:80%;border-top:1px dotted gray;padding-top:4px;font-family:Arial, Verdana; font-size:11px;"> |
<b>John Wigham</b><br /> |
Senior Web Developer<br /> |
<a href="#">john@mysite.com</a> originalAttribute="href" originalAttribute="href" originalPath="#">john@mysite.com</a> originalAttribute="href" originalPath=""#">john@mysite.com</a>" |
<br /> |
<br /> |
<i>Disclaimer: The contents of this e-mail are privileged and confidential and intended for the addressees at the specified e-mail addresses only.</i> |
</div> |
]]> |
</snippet> |
<snippet name="Problem Report Feedback"> |
<![CDATA[ |
<div style="width:300px;border:2px outset #D8D2BD;padding:34px;font-family:Arial, Verdana; font-size:11px;background-color:#F1EFE6;"> |
Hi ____________________,<br /> |
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have verified the problem and it is logged in our system. We will notify you once we have a solution. |
<br /><br /> |
<b>Please, contact us if you have any problems.</b> |
</div> |
]]> |
</snippet>--> |
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