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Modal popup edit with master/detail

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ManniAT asked on 01 Mar 2009, 02:17 PM

I have the following scenario.
A MasterTable shows Items - for each item subitems are available.
The subitems are editable - the masteritems not.

So I have my grid with the items - when I click on + I see the subitems.
When I click on Edit with the subitems I get the popup.
BUT - whatever I do - this popup is not modal!!
    <telerik:GridTableView DataSourceID="sqdsStringsLoc" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="StringsID,LanguageCode" AllowAutomaticUpdates="true" AllowSorting="false" AllowFilteringByColumn="false" Width="100%" EditFormSettings-EditColumn-Visible="true" EditMode="PopUp">  
    <EditFormSettings PopUpSettings-Width="780px" EditFormType="Template" PopUpSettings-Modal="true" CaptionDataField="LanguageCode">  
        <asp:Button ID="Button1" Text="Update" runat="server" CommandName="Update"></asp:Button>&nbsp;&nbsp;  
        <asp:Button ID="Button2" Text="Cancel" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel"></asp:Button> 
        <br /> 
        <telerik:RadEditor ToolsFile="/Images/MySetOfTools.xml" Skin="Office2007" Language="de-DE" ID="edTheString1" runat="server" Width="760px" Height="150px" Content='<%# Bind("TheString") %>'>  

By the way - the Rest works like it should. Only the popup is not showing modal.



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Telerik team
answered on 04 Mar 2009, 10:51 AM
Hi Manfred,

Attached to this message, is a small application, which handles a similar task, and behaves as expected.
I hope it helps.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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answered on 04 Mar 2009, 01:44 PM
Thank you for this sample!!

BUT - I have another problem I guess.

To make the things clear - there is no "bug" or "strange behaviour" the things work fine.

My problem is more or less a conceptual - or design question.
So I hope someone has an idea how to solve the thing best.

Let me explain the situation.
The grid is about localized strings.
I have a master table with "strings".
It consists of a set of Records like this:
ID (just a PK), Name, TheDefault, Description
1, lblUserName, Username:, Label for Username
2, lblPassword, Password:, Label for Password

There are a great number of such strings.
And for every string I have "LocaleStrings" which is the Detail Table.
ID (ref to master), Language, TheValue
Fitting the above sample the records look like this
1, en, Username:
1, de, Benutzername:
2, en, Password:
2, de, Passwort:
and so on.

The master tabel is not editable, the details are editable (only the field "TheValue").
To allow the operator to change those Labels I use a RadEditor.
The reason (not to use a simple Textbox) is that those labels may contain HTML.
So the operator can change the "design" of the label, (bold, colors, multiline (using br) and so on).

Now to how the things work.
The master table loads pretty fast.
When I click the "plus" (to expand the details) it takes about 1 second (loading panel shown) to bring up the detail records.
Also OK and acceptable.
Now comes the problem!!!
The operator descides to make the Password Label red.
So he clicks on edit for the english record.
It takes about 3 (or a bit more) seconds to load the rad editor.
The operator edits - click save (about 1 second) - and on languge is changed.
The next is german - 3 (or a bit more) seconds for RadEditor....

My problem - RadEdtior takes a lot of time to load.
If I use a textbox instead it is much faster.

Thix is normal I know since a textbox is almost nothing - and the editor is a pretty complex thing,
with all the toolbars, and so on.
But I (and my customer) want (need) it - change to Textbox is no solution.

I guess (I did not try till now) that the Editor loading time could be fastened by using the "shared toolbox".
So I could (that's my current idea) place a div on the bottom of the page containing a RadEditor.
By collapse this div it would be incvisible and so I could share this editor's toolbar.

Another idea would be to have a scenario like in the example
"Client side insert/update/delete".
With the extension that I hide the "input mask" when no record is selected for editing.

My Question now:
Does anyone have a "desing" idea how to enable "detail editing" without the need to reload the RadEdtior every time.
Or (like I try at the moment with the shared Toolbar) another approach to minimize RadEditor loading time in such a situation.


Telerik team
answered on 09 Mar 2009, 11:40 AM
Hi Manfred,

In this case, you can either use the client side updates which you mentioned, or take an approach similar to this one. I hope one of these options is suitable for you.

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