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Mobile Grid grouping drag header position is broken

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Donald asked on 13 Jul 2020, 07:52 PM

I have a grid on a webpage with scroll. When I run this on a mobile device and try to group by dragging the column header the position of the header when dragging begins is way off.<See attached picture>

My test project where that happens is a copy of the demo you provide with the AJAX control suite. You will find the project attached.

I noticed that this problem is not there on the official Telerik demo website - DEMO. I am modifying that page so that scroll appears

 <div style="height: 300px"></div>

 and header position when dragging is still correct.


So what am I doing wrong in my project?

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answered on 16 Jul 2020, 05:50 PM

Hi Donald,

I am afraid I was not able to reproduce the described behavior. On my side, it seems to be working as expected.

I guess I might be missing something. Could you please share more instructions on how to replicate the issue?

Is the issue appearing on different mobile devices? 

It would also be nice to have a short video or gif showing the behavior.

Kind regards,
Progress Telerik

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