I have just started developing a new site using the same Visual Studio 2008 setup as for other sites,
but on this site I am seeing a strange problem with the RadWindow (black skin).
1 ) The title bar has no background image.
( It is plain white instead of the black 3D bar)
2 ) The corners of the window are very small white triangles instead of transparent
A very similar site I developed a few months ago uses a very similar colour scheme, including the black skin on
the radwindow, and it is perfect.
Can you suggest what I can try to diagnose this?
I am using Q2 2009 version.
The actual window declaration is like this:
OpenerElementID=" <%# ImageModel1.ClientID %> "
Animation="Fade" VisibleStatusbar="False" Height="600px"
Width="840px" Skin="Black" Title="Chateau Yquem Model"
BorderStyle="None" VisibleTitlebar="True" ToolTip="Chateau Yquem Model"
KeepInScreenBounds="True" BackColor="Black" BorderWidth="0px"
ForeColor="Black" Left="0px" Modal="True" z-index="9900" Overlay="True">