I am getting this error when I try to run my app:
Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Telerik' is undefined
I don't remember seeing this error earlier. i closed my solution and when i opened it again and tried to run the app i started getting the error.
I am unable to understand where this error is coming from.
When i try to debug it gives me the error on this line(bold text):
script type="text/javascript">
function() {
$create(Telerik.Web.UI.RadAjaxManager, {
"_updatePanels":"","ajaxSettings":[{InitControlID : "BtnLogin",UpdatedControls : [{ControlID:"BtnLogin",PanelID:"RadAjaxLoadingPanel1"},{ControlID:"errorLabel",PanelID:""}]}],"clientEvents":{OnRequestStart:"",OnResponseEnd:""},"defaultLoadingPanelID":"","enableAJAX":true,"enableHistory":false,"links":[],"styles":[],"uniqueID":"RadAjaxManager1","updatePanelsRenderMode":0}, null, null, $get("RadAjaxManager1"));
Please help!