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Metro style for JUST radGridView

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Siddhartha asked on 12 Jul 2016, 09:28 AM


While for all major UI apps my organization is using RagGridView, for a side project that crept up a few months back, we need just the RadGridView. The app in question already has metro style implemented using a third party UI framework. We need just the radgridview in this app and since the app has a metro looking UI, we want the radgridview to sport the metro look.

Can someone please point out how to use achieve this without affecting the entire application's look and feel (I mean thememanager, affects the  entire application)?



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Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
answered on 14 Jul 2016, 11:53 AM
Hello Siddhartha,

You can use the StyleManager to apply a theme for a certain control. Please check the following article - Setting instance-specific built-in theme in the Code-Behind

StyleManager.SetTheme(radGridView, new Windows8Theme());

Would this work for you?

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