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Menu Fonts

3 Answers 97 Views
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Robert asked on 15 Jul 2008, 09:40 PM
How does one change the font of the menuitems?  I've tried setting the font-names property, I've tried adding font-family to the CssClass it's using, nothing seems to be able to change the font style.

I'd like to change it for the entire menu control, but I wouldn't mind just including it in a class that gets passed to each item.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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answered on 15 Jul 2008, 10:09 PM
Okay, I've managed to get the fonts overridden for the entire menu by setting the .RadMenu .rmLink .rmText CSS items.  I'd still like to know how to override an individual item as the font-names, and CssClass settings seem to have no effect.


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answered on 16 Jul 2008, 03:08 AM
Okay, I've got this figured out, it was the skinning that was causing me the problems.  I either need to make a custom skin, or turn it off alltogether.

T. Tsonev
Telerik team
answered on 18 Jul 2008, 11:13 AM
Hi Robert,

I think that the problem can be solved with some CSS selectors. You were pretty close, really. The selector that you mention can be used to change the font of all items:

.RadMenu .rmLink .rmText 

In order to change the font of specific items only, you need something like this:

.RadMenu .rmLink.sansSerif .rmText 

Here, "sansSerif" is the custom CssClass applied to the item. The tricky part is that it is applied to the link element.

I can recommend you an indispensable tool that can really make your life easier when dealing with such problems. Firebug is a free Firefox plug-in that allows you to debug and modify CSS styles without leaving the browser. You should give it a try.

I hope this helps.

All the best,
Tsvetomir Tsonev
the Telerik team

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T. Tsonev
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