Hi All,
How do I get a radwindow to open in FULL screen, no Browser menubar, no Toolbars etc..??
Our app is supposed to run as if it were desktop. (XP = fine but Vista + IE7 the toolbars remain using normal window.open
Currently ..
I redirect if not authenticated to login to Default.aspx .
Default.aspx uses the java script beneath, which opens the main window maximized .)
How do I get a radwindow to open in FULL screen, no Browser menubar, no Toolbars etc..??
Our app is supposed to run as if it were desktop. (XP = fine but Vista + IE7 the toolbars remain using normal window.open
Currently ..
I redirect if not authenticated to login to Default.aspx .
Default.aspx uses the java script beneath, which opens the main window maximized .)
window.onload =
//Open this first then the next (to Close and escape the IE 7 close prompt)
var newWindow = window.open("DRM_Main.aspx","Default"," maximize=true, fullscreen=yes, channelmode=yes, toolbar=no, menubar=no, directories=no, resizable=yes, status=yes, scrollbars=yes");
'CLoseDummyIE7.htm', '_self');
Can I do same with RadWindow?/