This may have been answered many times, but after hours of googling I'm still in the dark.
I have a details table within a MasterRadGrid.MasterTableView - the details table databinds with the main grid ondetailtabledatabind and the detail table[s] display data just fine.
I need to read values from any or all of these detail tableviews, and in codebehind I have:
foreach (GridDataItem mRow in rGrd_recentAlbums.Items) |
{ |
GridTableView licDet = (GridTableView)mRow.ChildItem.NestedTableViews[0]; |
foreach (GridDataItem dRow in licDet.Items) |
{ ...code... } } |
Now, what has me completely confused: I see the detailtableview databound/ the correct data when expanding any of the master grid rows. Debugging, looking at the GridTableView licDet, I see the expected name of it, I see the expected datakey values from both tableviews - yet, when I try to iterate the
foreach (GridDataItem dRow in licDet.Items)
licDet has 0 items!?
Can someone please help me get past this?