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Masked Textbox and IE6

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Susan asked on 10 Dec 2009, 05:06 AM
Are there any know problems with the lasted version of Telerik and IE6. We are getting a 2-3 calls per day from users that say they enter all numbers in a masked phone field and it still says it is invalid. No matter what they do, it will not accept the input. We had one say they saw the page had an error (the bottom of the screen). We do not have IE6 in our office, but due to the number of calls, that seems to be the common thread. We cannot recreate on IE8.

Any suggestions???


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answered on 14 Dec 2009, 03:06 PM
Any ideas on this? We are getting 2-3 calls per day with this issue alone.

Thanks so much.
Telerik team
answered on 14 Dec 2009, 03:23 PM
Hi Susan,

Can you provide more details about the exact scenario? Pasting some relevant code/markup will help us track he issue. Also, please specify what is the version of the controls you are using.

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answered on 01 Feb 2010, 03:25 PM
My customer was getting so many calls on this, they finally installed IE6 and documented what was happening. It is only happening for users with IE6, but a large part of their customer base is still on this version.

I am using versino 2009.02.0826.20.

Here is the email with the information they found:

We keep getting calls about problems with entering phone numbers from customers that use Internet Explorer 6 as their browser.  I finally broke down and reinstalled Windows XP on my old PC so I could go back to IE6, and I can see why the customers are frustrated.  The phone edits work fine with IE7 or IE8, just IE6 causes the problems – and there are a lot of IE6 users still out there.


In IE7 or IE8, you can only enter 10 numeric digits into the phone field, and it inputs the dashes into the correct location for the customer. This is working great.


For customers using IE6, I can enter as many numbers as I want and it just moves the dashes to the right.  I entered about 50 numbers, and it lets me just keep entering more.  If I delete the pre-entered dashes and enter just a 10 digit phone number with the dashes in the correct location (or w/o any dashes), when I submit the order, it just wipes out any data entered into the phone number fields and displays the original spaces and dashes, and then gives the error message that “At least one phone number must be entered”.

** I have attached a .jpg image of the above scenario

Please let me know if you need any additional info.  I will keep IE6 installed on my old PC so we can test any changes.

Telerik team
answered on 02 Feb 2010, 07:58 AM
Hi Susan,

I am afraid that the provided information is still not sufficient to reproduce the problem. Could you paste the markup for the problematic control? You can also try our online examples to see if you can replicate the issue there.

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answered on 05 Feb 2010, 01:33 PM
Using IE6 and trying it on your online examples site, we have no problems. So, I copied the code below to my site, and the problem still exists. This code was copied directly from your online example page:


<telerik:RadMaskedTextBox Width="210px" Height="80px" ID="RadMaskedTextBox2"



runat="server" Mask="Te\lephone: (###) ###-####-####\r\nF\ax: (###) ###-####-####\r\nZip code: #####-####"



TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="5" Columns="50">




Using the code above on my site with IE6, the words (telephone, fax, zip code) do not even appear and the box is blank. I don't need the multi-line and was doing it only as a test to copy the code exactly. I also tried the code below, taking out the multi-line:




telerik:RadMaskedTextBox TabIndex="7" ID="HomePhoneNumber" runat="server" Mask="###-###-####" Columns="17"/></td></tr>


It still does not work. I am using version 2009.2.826.20. It must have to do with something else on the page??? I'm not sure where to go from here, but I must keep at this and get it resolved for my customer.

If you have an IE6 machine, I can get you to a site to reproduce the problem, if that would help.


Telerik team
answered on 05 Feb 2010, 02:42 PM
Hi Susan,

I prepared a simple test page and attached it to this message. It is using the version you have specified and is working as expected in IE6. Could you try it and see if you can modify it so that the problem becomes evident?

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answered on 10 Feb 2010, 01:15 PM
thanks for the test page. we have been doing a lot of tests and have discovered it works in a new project we set up, but still not in the one that we originally had the problem with. this indicates it is something specific in that environment. now that we now it works for one application, we will continue to narrow it down until we figure it out. i don't believe there is anything else you can do on your end.

thanks for the help.
Matthew Timbs
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answered on 15 Jul 2010, 10:23 PM
Is this still an issue?  Seeing something similar with IE6 but not IE7
Telerik team
answered on 16 Jul 2010, 03:41 PM
Hello Matthew,

Can you reproduce the problem with the previously attached sample? If not, please provide more details on how to replicate the issue.

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Matthew Timbs
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answered on 16 Jul 2010, 03:44 PM
Sorry we fixed our issue (probably not the same one mentioned in this thread). Turns out it was the issue where controls inside a radtooltip weren't getting focus.  This was fixed in your Q2 release that dropped 3 days ago. 

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Matthew Timbs
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