3 Answers, 1 is accepted
I prepared a sample page that demonstrates how to do it.
Please, note, however that calling the ImageMapEditor dialog is not supposed to be a part of the editor's public API functionality. The argument objects exchanged between the dialog page and the parent page do not follow the MS AJAX conventions - and if in the [near] future we decide on "officially" supporting calling [all] editor dialogs as stand-alone, there will be changes to the argument properties.
Best regards,
the Telerik team
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Great Tervel!
I need some complementary help, very important !.
1/ Target : Could define programaticaly the value and hidden the dropdown selector server or client side. Only New window.
2/ URL. I work with Sitefinity, wonderful tool and I need to add one external button to link my Cms pages near URL target and return here the path. ImageMap tool allow that ( adding extra button). Could you allow this in future version and make more powerful tool using with Sitefinity CMS.
more :
3/ Could you see callbackfunction. Actually it return only the <map></map> (params.MapHtml) but how to add inside the IMG element the Usemap.
like :
<img alt="" src="Doggies.jpg" usemap="#rade" border="0" /></p>
<map id="rade" NAME="rade">
<area shape="rect" coords="232,155,278,221" href="http://" /></map>
What are the others posibilities to callback
We will consider adding support into the ImageMap dialog to allow for a list of predefined links - we logged this as a feature request.
Also, as far as 1) and 3) are concerned you will need to do some extra coding of your own. That is - you will need to set the usemap attribute to the image yourself using img.setAttribute, for example.
To hard-code or change the target of each <map> you will also need to add the <area> to the DOM of the page and then access the <map> elements in the page DOM hierarchy.
To summarize, to implement such advanced functionality good knowledge of JavaScript and DOM is mandatory - and this goes beyond the scope of Telerik support.
Best regards,
the Telerik team
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