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Make section fill page

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David asked on 05 Jun 2014, 09:45 AM

I am trying to create an Invoice with columns for quantity, price and amount. It should also have a summary at the bottom of the page. The columns should have a border and stretch all the way down to the summary (see attached picture). Is there any way to say that a section should fill out the remaining space of a page?
So far I solved this by summarize the height of each section and calculate the remaining space on the page and setting the result to the height of a group footer (see the green area on the report). But this solution does not work when a textbox can grow since there seems to be no way to get the rendered height of a textbox.

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answered on 10 Jun 2014, 08:48 AM
Hello David,

Report sections do not stretch to the bottom of the page i.e., if there are only a few records of data, the detail section would not border with the page footer. Currently there is no way to achieve continuous section to the bottom of the page, except for the approach that you described.


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answered on 26 Jan 2016, 09:45 AM

With the new releases of Telerik reporting, has this problem been solved.  If so, how?
I need to create an invoice report and regardless of number of rows in the details section I need the border to stretch to the footer section.

Telerik team
answered on 26 Jan 2016, 02:33 PM
Hello Silvia,

With the latest version of Telerik Reporting, you can position a group footer at the bottom of the page using the  PrintAtBottom property. However, the previous section will not stretch to take the space which is left between the section and the footer.

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answered on 02 Feb 2016, 11:08 AM

I found this topic while searching the forum because my company have the same requirment.

Now that I know it's not possible I'm very concerned because I need  this kind of layout too.
I think this is a serious limitation for a professional reporting solution because this kind of layout is very common for invoice and other business documents.

Please suggest a workaround or think about implementig this feature very soon.

Thank you.

Telerik team
answered on 04 Feb 2016, 12:04 PM
Hello Paola,

You can post a request for this feature in our Ideas & Feedback portal. Depending on the customer demand (number of votes) we will adjust the feature's priority accordingly.

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answered on 30 Jun 2017, 02:29 PM


I also need same Invoice Layout. I am using Telerik reporting 2015.

I want to display group footer section at the bottom for that I make PrintAtBottom = True and It display properly but report contains space between group detail section and group footer section.

I don't want that space but I want detail section border continue down to group footer section.

In detail section I am using Subreport.

Please give me any solution.

Telerik team
answered on 30 Jun 2017, 04:46 PM
Hello Bhavika,

Such feature is still not supported. A request for this feature has been submitted in our feedback portal - check out this post. I can suggest you to vote for it as the features are selected for development based on the demand from our community.

In the meantime, you can use the custom image imitating the vertical lines in BackgroundImage property of the Detail section or PageSetting.BackgroundImage property of the Report.

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answered on 30 Jun 2017, 05:28 PM

Hello Katia,

Thank you for your suggestion.

Now problem is my data is displaying dynamically, so how can I set height of custom image?

Telerik team
answered on 03 Jul 2017, 02:49 PM
Hi Bhavika,
Please test setting the viewer's ViewMode to PrintPreview and the report's PageSettings.BorderStyle to Solid. you can also use an image for the report's PageSettings.BackgroundImage.
When the viewer's displays the report, you will be able to see the applied styles.

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answered on 05 Jul 2017, 12:29 PM

Hi Stef,

I checked setting for ViewMode and it's PrintPreview and I applied PageSettings.BorderStyle to Solid. but it's not working.

Let me explain situation.

I have Master report, it contains subreport.

Subreport has multiple data which comes according to filtering.

e.g. Product 1 and it's details, Product 2 and it's detail etc.

Master report contains unique data. e.g. Customer name,Page number,Logo,Summary of Total Product Amount etc.

How can I apply border of sub report continue down to Summary of Total Amount which is display at the bottom of the page.

And It also contains more than one page.



Telerik team
answered on 05 Jul 2017, 02:41 PM
Hello Bhavika,

You need to use the PageSettings properties of the master report, as the sub report's PageSettings are ignored when the sub report is loaded as a content of the master report.

It depends on the reports' layout designed, but you can test the following:
  1. Add a GroupFooterSection or ReportFooterSection with PrintAtBottom=true in the sub report;
  2. In the master report set the SubReport item's Style.BorderStyle to solid and check if you get the desired result where the content of the sub report gets to the bottom of the physical page.

In order to provide you more accurate suggestions, we will need the code generating the master and sub reports, and test data allowing is to test them locally.

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answered on 05 Jul 2017, 03:12 PM

Hi Stef,

Thank you for suggestion.

I already did that but it doesn't look my expected output.

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answered on 05 Jul 2017, 04:02 PM

Hi Stef,

Here I have attached Images with problems.

Please give me any Idea regarding this.

Telerik team
answered on 06 Jul 2017, 04:20 PM
Hello Bhavika,

Please check the settings of the main and sub reports in the attachment. We use the bottom border of the last section of the main report, and a GroupFootersection of the sub report that is always printed at the bottom. You can style sections and text to make them look hidden, if needed.

In order to provide you more accurate suggestions, we will need a demo report with your settings to test them locally.

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answered on 06 Jul 2017, 07:34 PM

Hi Stef,

Thank you for helping me.

Now I am able to display Bottom border on every page.

But still I am not able to display Vertical Line.

I have attached Images,Please can you give me solution.

Thanks & Regards,


Telerik team
answered on 07 Jul 2017, 07:55 AM
Hi Bhavika,

Please double-check the provided demo project and the structure of the sub report in the Report Explorer. The sub report has a section with set PrintAtBottom=True. This causes the last page with  sub report's content to expand to the bottom of the main report's page.

In order to provide you more accurate suggestions, we will need the designed reports in order to check their settings and to test them locally.

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answered on 07 Jul 2017, 02:15 PM

Hi Stef,

Yes, I have a reportFooterSection for SubReport which printed at the Bottom of page. For that I make ReportFooterSection property

PrintAtBottom = True, which works perfectly fine.

I have GroupFooterSection before the ReportFooterSection in SubReport which has Unique data and display only one time.

That GroupFooterSection has Vertical Line which I want to printed all the way to the Bottom of Report I mean to the ReportFooterSection.

I have detailSection before the GroupFooterSection which also contain Vertical Line, I want that Line should continue down to the page. You can check that in First Page.png Image which I posted yesterday.

That detailSection contains multiple products data.

These are all regarding SubReport.

I checked your demo project and I did same but it's not working for me.

Please give me advice.

Thanks & Regards,



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answered on 07 Jul 2017, 02:34 PM

Hi Stef,

For that Vertical Line, I have set BroderStyle - Left = solid for Textbox.

Telerik team
answered on 10 Jul 2017, 03:44 PM
Hello Bhavika,

When a section is printed at the bottom of a page, the space between the last Detail section and the printed at the bottom section is empty. You can use the main report's PageSettings properties like borders and background image, and a background for sections and items.

If the GroupFooterSection in the sub report has its PrintAtBottom set to true, the section will be printed at the bottom of each page in the main report, which will extend the borders of the SubReport item that loads the sub report. Please test setting the SubReport item's borders.

In order to provide you more accurate suggestions based on the designed layout, please post test data in CSV format for both main and sub reports, and the reports serialized in XML.

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answered on 11 Jul 2017, 06:10 PM

Hi Stef,

It's working...

I got expected output.

Thank you Stef for helping me.


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answered on 11 Feb 2019, 10:57 AM
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone could guide me if this bug(that's what I'm gonna call it) is resolved yet ?
I am creating such report and it's very hectic not to find a way to get it done.

If anybody could help ?
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answered on 11 Feb 2019, 10:59 AM
I need to expand the borders to the bottom. I set the property Print at bottom for group.
Telerik team
answered on 11 Feb 2019, 12:48 PM
Hello Muhammad,

Please check and vote for this functionality in our Ideas & Feedback portal - Better support for form type reports.

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answered on 11 Feb 2019, 01:26 PM

Hello Nasko,

I've already voted for this functionality and waiting to get information either this is implemented in 2019 Mid January release or not as Milen on the conversation board there says it was due in Mid January 2019 so I suppose it should be out by now and if yes then please please acknowledge and if NOT then it's not good I think as lots of people are eagerly waiting for this to be done.

Hope you understand the need.


Telerik team
answered on 14 Feb 2019, 11:18 AM
Hello Muhammad,

We operate in a dynamic environment and had to allocate more resources than expected to the .NET Core support feature for the R1 2019 release. For this reason we had to postpone the "Better support for form type reports" feature request. You will be notified automatically once this feature is in the making and its status is changed to "in development".

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answered on 14 Feb 2019, 11:27 AM
Fair enough, but in the meantime I am unable to complete my ongoing report and as per the need of client it has to be finished ASAP. I have tried putting background image with borders but it is also hiding the border once last row finishes. As I have attached image too it is still showing the same layout.
Please advice with a proper solution to counter this problem.

Thank you
Telerik team
answered on 19 Feb 2019, 08:06 AM
Hello Muhammad,

I brought the issue up to the development team in order to increase its priority. A proper solution would be to implement this feature on our end. The other solutions are temporary workarounds which may or may not be good enough for the end user. We will let you know once this feature is being developed via the product's feedback portal.

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answered on 21 Aug 2019, 12:33 PM

Priority has to be increased massively!

The first post in this thread dates from 2014 and last one is 2019. That's a five year span !!

How long does it have to take before a serious issue like this is being handled properly?

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answered on 23 Aug 2019, 05:15 AM

i have some problem Nasko's ,

my telerik report detail section inside table growing time  footer and detail section between some space growing how to stop that?


Telerik team
answered on 26 Aug 2019, 08:46 AM
Hi Arend and sandaruwan,

Currently, our development team is busy on the implementation of a Web-based designer which has higher priority and hopefully its initial version will be released in R3 2019. For that reason, we cannot say when the development of this feature will start. I can make you sure that customers' feedback helps to shape our roadmap and it is extremely important to us to always deliver a product that satisfies your needs. 

As soon as the implementation starts, you will be notified via email. For now, depending on the scenario, I can suggest the usage of Panel and/or Shapes as a workaround.

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answered on 13 Jan 2021, 12:54 PM
Now this service available? can i draw vertical line is this issue solve? of vertical lines draw from detail section to bottom?
Telerik team
answered on 18 Jan 2021, 08:18 AM

Hi Namit,

With the upcoming release R1 2021 scheduled for January 20th, 2021 we will provide a new item, 'CrossSection' that would allow for achieving this requirement. See also the feature request Better support for form type reports

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answered on 20 Mar 2024, 12:56 PM | edited on 20 Mar 2024, 01:02 PM

For everyone still having this issue. You will have to  ditch de Table and use the following approach. Add a group header and Footer around your Detail Section. On the Group Header you will place the labels for the Column Headers, For the borders, use a Cross Section Item that you will span across the Group Header and Footer. On the Group Footer set the Property PrintAtBottom to True.

You now have a Detail Section that fills the page.

Actually you could still use the Table with CrossSectionItem Lines overlapping the borders, still works

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