I am using a RadGrid with edit mode as batch and edit type is row. I have a GridCheckboxColumns in my grid which is editable when the row is selected.
When I select a row for editing, I want the checkbox cell to be readonly based on another cell value of the row.
I have tried solutions from other posts such as cancelling edit on BatchEditOpening client-side event, making GridEditItem readonly on the server-side ItemCreated event and disabling checkbox on ItemDatabound event but none have worked for my scenario.
Here is the sample code: I want PortalAccess checkbox cell to be readonly when
<telerik:RadGrid ID="grdContactsList" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
AllowSorting="true" EnableViewState="false" OnItemCommand="grdContactsList_ItemCommand" >
<ClientSettings EnableRowHoverStyle="false" Selecting-AllowRowSelect="false" >
<ClientEvents OnBatchEditOpening="batchEditOpening" />
<MasterTableView TableLayout="Auto" CssClass="bordered" NoMasterRecordsText="No records to display."
AllowSorting="true" EditMode="Batch"
<BatchEditingSettings EditType="Row" />
<telerik:GridColumnGroup HeaderText="Email Communications" Name="EmailCommunications"></telerik:GridColumnGroup>
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="SponsorPortal" SortExpression="SponsorPortal" HeaderText="IsSponsor" UniqueName="IsSponsor"
Display="false" ReadOnly="true"></telerik:GridBoundColumn>
<telerik:GridCheckBoxColumn HeaderText="Portal Access" SortExpression="PortalAccess"
UniqueName="PortalAccess" DataField="PortalAccess"
HeaderStyle-CssClass="tblC" ItemStyle-CssClass="tblC">