Hi all.
I have a real zinger. I'm populating a radgridview via web service call in the code behind (c#). But, I have tried six ways from Sunday to get a Master/Detail to work. I have two radgrids - one master/other detail. I can populate them both but when I try to bind them together using the DataKeyNames, it just won't do anything.
How I populate:
private static AdvanceAutoWS.AdvanceAutomationClient AAAdminWS = new AdvanceAutoWS.AdvanceAutomationClient(); //web service
var xGridRules = AAAdminWS.GetAllRules();
rgvRules.DataSource = xGridRules.ResponseList;
How can I create a linked detail grid using web services so that when I select a row on the master grid, it links with the corresponding records in detail grid?
Thanks a million in advance.