I have a groupable grid which contains more than 1000 rows. It takes a long time to load it, and what's more, it makes a browser works much slower. Sometimes it is almost impossible to scroll the grid because of the low performance.
So to reduce loading time and to improve scrolling flow I added a paging to the grid. (screen 1)
As the result, on the first page when I collapse the group my grid looks like on the screen 2.
It makes no sense to show it like this. I'd like to show the next group right behind the collapsed group,
like on the screen 3 (mock).
Can you give me a solution how can I solve it? Maybe you have any other idea?
If you give me an example how to improve the performance without injecting the paging - we're done.
We can think about Virtual Scroll as well, or even turning the filtering off on the client side - is it possible?