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Loop through the tree

1 Answer 151 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Julia Shah
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Rank 1
Julia Shah asked on 20 Mar 2009, 05:04 PM

I have a treeview that shows folders and documents. For each folder I have the number of child folders and child documents (one level down). How can I loop through the tree and calculate the total number of sub-folders and documents for each node?

For example, this is what I have:

Root (folders: 2, docs: 0)
        Folder 1 (folders: 2, docs: 1)
                Folder 2 (folders: 0, docs: 0)
                Folder 3 (folders: 0, docs: 1)
        Folder 4 (folders: 0, docs: 2)

And this is what I need:

Root (folders: 4, docs: 4)
        Folder 1 (folders: 2, docs: 2)
                Folder 2 (folders: 0, docs: 0)
                Folder 3 (folders: 0, docs: 1)
        Folder 4 (folders: 0, docs: 2)

Thank you,

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Atanas Korchev
Telerik team
answered on 23 Mar 2009, 10:41 AM
Hi Julia Shah,

You can use the Nodes property to obtain the immediate child nodes of a particular node. You could use it to traverse a particular node and calculate the total number of folders. You also need to use recursion in order to go deeper than the immediate child nodes. Here is a quick code snippet

public int CalculateSubFolders(RadTreeNode parent)
       int result = 0;

       foreach (RadTreeNode child in parent.Nodes)
              if (IsFolder(child)) // This method determines if a node is a folder
                   result ++; // increment for the "child" node
                   result += CalculateSubFolders(child); //add the number of folders in the child node.
       return result;

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Asked by
Julia Shah
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Atanas Korchev
Telerik team
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