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Looking for help on infragistic conversiont

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Shelby asked on 23 Jan 2014, 07:03 PM
I am trying to convert to telerik RadDateTimePicker.

Function CreateWebDateTimeEdit(ByVal controlName As String, ByVal dateOffset As Integer, ByVal dateMask As String, ByVal minimumdate As DateTime, ByVal maximumdate As DateTime, ByVal variabledefault As String) As WebDateTimeEdit
        Dim wdte As New WebDateTimeEdit
        wdte.ID = controlName
        wdte.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(dateOffset)
        wdte.DisplayModeFormat = dateMask
        wdte.EditModeFormat = dateMask
        If ViewState("VariableValues") IsNot Nothing AndAlso CType(ViewState("VariableValues"), Dictionary(Of String, String)).ContainsKey(controlName) Then
            wdte.Value = CType(ViewState("VariableValues"), Dictionary(Of String, String)).Item(controlName)
        ElseIf variabledefault.Length > 0 AndAlso Not variabledefault.ToUpper.Equals("[$NONE$]") Then
            wdte.Value = DateTime.Parse(variabledefault)
        End If
        wdte.MinValue = minimumdate
        wdte.MaxValue = maximumdate
        Return wdte
    End Function

I tried the following.

Private Function CreateWebDateTimeEdit(ByVal controlName As String, ByVal dateOffset As Integer, ByVal dateMask As String, ByVal minimumdate As DateTime, ByVal maximumdate As DateTime, ByVal variabledefault As String) As RadDateTimePicker
        Dim wdte As New RadDateTimePicker
        wdte.ID = controlName
        wdte.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(dateOffset)
        wdte.DataInput.DisplayModeFormat = dateMask
        'wdte.EditModeFormat = dateMask  //did not find a match
        If ViewState("VariableValues") IsNot Nothing AndAlso CType(ViewState("VariableValues"), Dictionary(Of String, String)).ContainsKey(controlName) Then
            'wdte.Value = CType(ViewState("VariableValues"), Dictionary(Of String, String)).Item(controlName)
            wdte.SeletedDate = CType(ViewState("VariableValues"), Dictionary(Of String, String)).Item(controlName)
        ElseIf variabledefault.Length > 0 AndAlso Not variabledefault.ToUpper.Equals("[$NONE$]") Then
            'wdte.Value = DateTime.Parse(variabledefault)
            wdte.SeletedDate = DateTime.Parse(variabledefault)
        End If
        wdte.MinDate = minimumdate
        wdte.MaxDate = maximumdate
        Return wdte
    End Function
Everytime I try to save the dates to the database error
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.

I am setting my date format to "M/dd/yyyy HH:mm"

It is changing to M-dd-yyyy-hh-mm

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answered on 28 Jan 2014, 08:40 AM
Hello Shelby,

Use the DateFormat  (for edit) and DisplayDateFormat properties.

//wdte.DisplayModeFormat = dateMask
//wdte.EditModeFormat = dateMask
wdte.DateInput.DateFormat = dateMask;
wdte.DateInput.DisplayDateFormat = dateMask; // optional, use it only if it is different from the DateFormat

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answered on 28 Jan 2014, 02:02 PM
I tried both yet when I go to insert value to database my format never sets. It remain in this state M-dd-yyyy hh-mm

I fixed the problem by converting the date format before it is pass the date parameter into this function. 
Thanks anyway.
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