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Tim asked on 19 May 2008, 05:49 PM
I've spent the past few hours looking for a good example and haven't found one.  How do you use LoadOnDemand with a user control??? I have a Datalist that loads images using XML and a file folders (no database).  In the Datalist ItemTemplate, I currently am doing things the old way, with linkbuttons etc which when clicked, opens a radWindow that has a page with the image details/order options etc.  This needs to be replaced with the ToolTip LoadOnDemand, but I have yet to find a clear example on how this is accomplished.  In the tool tip, there needs to be a user control that takes in a few querystring parameters to load the appropriate data.  So far the closest example thats remotely clsoe to understandable, is exteremely short, has no real useful information and uses HTML controls....

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Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 21 May 2008, 11:53 AM
Hello Tim,

Our examples are not very complicated because this will make their interpretation hard and they are intended to be clear and up to the point. You can find how you can implement the basic functionality there - we cannot implement all particular scenarios but you can use the examples and extend them in order to achieve what you need.

The examples which demonstrate LoadOnDemand functionality of RadToolTip are:

  1. LoadOnDemand - it is basic and up to the point, useful in most of the more complicated scenarios.
  2. Insert in grid with tooltip - more complicated integration scenario.

You can find the complete code of the examples when you open the live examples which are automatically installed on your computer along with the controls.

If you experience problems in implementation you can use our support system and send us a support ticket with explanations of the experienced problems. We also strongly recommend to attach a demonstrative project which will help us understand your scenario and react faster.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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answered on 21 May 2008, 01:34 PM
Thanks for the response.  Example number 1 was the example that I was trying to follow.  I have a datalist that contains (x) amount of photos.  When you hover over the photos, you get a form (usercontrol) that the user can specify the number of copies and sizes they want which is then added to a hashtable and stored in session.  So it is quite similar in functionality.  I have followed the example as close as possible, but the closest I can get is an empty tooltip. 

I have tried something similar by adding a tooltip to the itemtemplate of the datalist to get a larger image on mousehover which works good (is there a way to control the resize or fade speeds?).  But as for adding a usercontrol, I have yet to acheive what the example does.

Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 22 May 2008, 01:28 PM
Hi Tim,

Since I do not have your code I am can not be sure what exactly happens and I can only make assumptions.

You said that you got an empty tooltip and I suppose that the problem is caused by databinding issue or providing a wrong id of the record. Would you please make sure that you have called the DataBind() method in the your ascx's code-behind?

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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answered on 22 May 2008, 02:05 PM

Hi Svetlina,

The usercontrol that I'm trying to load in the tooltip has a few labels and textboxes and a couple buttons.  For the most part, Example 1 that you sent me is what I'm trying to accomplish, so really, theres nothing to be databound in terms of a grid or anything.  Is there anything special that needs to be done to the usercontrol to be able to use it in a tooltip?



Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 23 May 2008, 03:32 PM
Hello Tim,

Since I do not have your code I can not tell what is the problem.

I prepared a sample project which demonstrates how to tooltipify a RadGrid - you can find it in the attached archive file.

I hope this helps.

the Telerik team

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Svetlina Anati
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