Hi ,
I am planning to purchase Telerik, if it supports following scenerio.
I have data in sql ,with 3 columns in a table
(PK)column1 : navigationID
Column2: ParentID
Column3: Description
Rows are as follows:
Row1 1 1 Welcome
Row2 2 1 home
Row3 3 2 subhome1
Row4 4 2 subhome2
Row5 5 1 Contact us
I need to display same in Front end with context menu(Add nod,edit node, delete node) on each node. and when I add new node it should insert to above table with respect to there parent.
I created one sqldatasource and added above table. and for tree control i reffered above 3 columns . for DataFieldID = navigationID,DAtaFieldParentID=ParentID and DataFieldTextField =Description but for some reasons I can not see any results in front end.
* could you please give me example or sample code where I can follow similar scenerio
Thanks and Regards,
I am planning to purchase Telerik, if it supports following scenerio.
I have data in sql ,with 3 columns in a table
(PK)column1 : navigationID
Column2: ParentID
Column3: Description
Rows are as follows:
Row1 1 1 Welcome
Row2 2 1 home
Row3 3 2 subhome1
Row4 4 2 subhome2
Row5 5 1 Contact us
I need to display same in Front end with context menu(Add nod,edit node, delete node) on each node. and when I add new node it should insert to above table with respect to there parent.
I created one sqldatasource and added above table. and for tree control i reffered above 3 columns . for DataFieldID = navigationID,DAtaFieldParentID=ParentID and DataFieldTextField =Description but for some reasons I can not see any results in front end.
* could you please give me example or sample code where I can follow similar scenerio
Thanks and Regards,