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Load on demand PageViews

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Jocelyn asked on 06 Aug 2013, 03:03 PM

I have a RadTabStrip linked with a RadMultiPage.

<telerik:RadTabStrip ID="tsConfig" runat="server" MultiPageID="mpConfig" SelectedIndex="0"
        Width="100%" Skin="Office2010Silver" OnClientTabSelecting="OnTabSelecting_CheckPageView">
            <telerik:RadTab Text="Tab 1" PageViewID="rpvGeneral" Width="150px">
            <telerik:RadTab Text="Tab 2" PageViewID="rpvPhoto">
            <telerik:RadTab Text="Tab 3" PageViewID="rpvListePatients">
            <telerik:RadTab Text="Tab 4" PageViewID="rpvListesPrescriptions">
            <telerik:RadTab Text="Tab 5" PageViewID="rpvPrescripteur">
    <telerik:RadMultiPage ID="mpConfig" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" Width="100%"
        BackColor="White" Height="500px" BorderColor="Silver" Style="overflow: hidden;">
        <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="rpvGeneral">
            <cgsi:ConfigGeneral runat="server" ID="ucConfigGeneral" />
        <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="rpvPhoto" Visible="false">
            <cgsi:ConfigPhoto runat="server" ID="ucConfigPhoto" />
        <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="rpvListePatients" Visible="false">
            <cgsi:ConfigListePatients runat="server" ID="ucConfigListePatients" />
        <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="rpvListesPrescriptions" Visible="false">
            <cgsi:ConfigListesPrescriptions runat="server" ID="ucConfigListesPrescriptions" />
        <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="rpvPrescripteur" Visible="false">
            <cgsi:ConfigPrescripteur runat="server" ID="ucConfigPrescripteur" />

Private Sub tsConfig_TabClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabStripEventArgs) Handles tsConfig.TabClick
        e.Tab.PageView.Visible = True
    End Sub

My problem is that in the ascx named "ucConfigPrescripteur" I have a RadComboBox that I set the width to 160px. But for some reason, on the page, the combobox is set to 260px until I do a postback it will set it to 160px.

This is only happenning with RadMultiPage.


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Telerik team
answered on 09 Aug 2013, 10:56 AM
Hi Jocelyn,

I tested the scenario that you describe but I was not able to replicate the issue that you are currently experiencing. Here is a short video demonstrating the look that I get from my side. Let me know if I am missing something. Can you also check if you have any additional custom styles that might be causing the problematic look of the control? Please try disabling all other styles that you apply and check how it goes from your side.

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answered on 09 Aug 2013, 12:12 PM
Hi Kate,

I noticed in your video that you're loading the combo on the first tab, so it is loaded on the first load. My problem is happening on a postback when I click on another tab (Example: Tab3).

Telerik team
answered on 14 Oct 2013, 03:50 PM
Hello Jocelyn,

I tested the issue by placing few RadComboBox controls in the user controls and try to run the page again but I still could not get the appearance that you describe. Can you please record a short video (you can use Jing for example) demonstrating the exact steps that you take so I can get a better idea of the issue that you experience and how I can replicate it from my side?

If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to the blog feed now.
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