Hi !
How to use the EnableLoadOnDemand on radcombobox with item template ?
because i've got many Data (over 3000), change with agencyID and for not reload and make object, set on viewstate.
How to user this with filter contains ? because itemsRequested add only radcomboboxitem to radcomboboxitems.
EnableLoadOnDemand="true" ItemsPerRequest="100" EnableVirtualScrolling="true"
Actually, my sample (Aspx) :
<telerik:RadComboBox RenderMode="Lightweight" Skin="Material" ID="rcbNomEntreprise" runat="server" EmptyMessage="Entreprise / Siren" CssClass="rcb" AutoPostBack="true" Filter="Contains" Width="100%" MaxHeight="400px" Culture="fr-FR" DropDownCssClass="rcbSP2 rcbFiltreContent FiltreNavOperation">
<div class="rcbEntreprise">
<div class="entreprise-nom gcs">
<%# Eval("NomEntreprise") %>
<div class="entreprise-siren gcs" >
Siren : <%# Eval("Siren") %>
<%# Eval("Adresse") %>
<div class="cpCommune"> <%# Eval("CPetCommune") %></div>
<%# If(DirectCast(Eval("IsAutoriseCompta"), Boolean) = True, String.Empty, "<div class=""gcs bloqueCompta"">cette entreprise n'est pas autorisée pour les nouveaux marchés.</div>") %>
Vb for binding :
Private Property EntreprisesAgence As List(Of RechercheEntreprise)
Return ViewState("entreprisesAgence")
End Get
Set(value As List(Of RechercheEntreprise))
ViewState("entreprisesAgence") = value
End Set
End Property
In Load :
If EntreprisesAgence Is Nothing Then InitEntreprise() ' Get SQL data to Object, to Viewstate
With rcbNomEntreprise
.DataSource = EntreprisesAgence
.DataTextField = "Complet"
.DataValueField = "identreprise"
End With