I have come across a problem with the editor.
We have recently upgraded the telerik controls from V 2013 to V 2015.2.623.45.
After upgrade new version that some functionality are messed up.
Steps to reproduce the issue
1 - Add below content HTML mode.
<html><head> </head><body style="-ms-zoom: 100%;"><a href="http://google.com?q=<input type='button' style='background-color: lime;border:none;padding:2px;' value='## test ##' onclick='return window.parent.DynamicVariableHandler(this);' data-varname='IyNmaXJzdG5hbWUjIw==' data-index='81' />" target="_blank">Name</a></body></html>
2 - Back to Design view and link is crashed
This scenario is working fine in Telerik V 2013. However, latest version of telerik does not handle this and link crashes.
This can easily be reproduced on your demo site as well(IE Browser).
Refer below link for more idea.
Please Suggest ASAP as it is blocker for us.