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Limiting Dimensions of Editable Area

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Alp asked on 15 Feb 2009, 02:31 PM

Is there anyway to specifically limit the dimensions of the editable area in rad editor? I am planning to use the editor in a portal application, and user will be editing parts of portal blocks; which are fixed in width and height. If I can limit the width and height of the rad editor's editable area, the user might know how the content will look in portal exactly while editing it in the rad editor. For instance, knowing where the line breaks will appear, or if the image will fit etc.

Setting the extarnal dimensions of the editor won't work because the toolbars change position according to the width; sometimes two toolbars appear next to each other in same line, but sometimes (depending on the editor width they appear on seperate lines, thus reducing the height of content area.

Any help is appreciated.


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answered on 18 Feb 2009, 08:10 AM
Hello Alp,

You can control the toolbar width by setting the ToolsWidth property to the desired size in pixels. You can also limit the toolbar buttons by loading a limited toolbar via the ToolsFile property.
For your convenience I have attached a ToolsFile.xml file containing only a limited set of tools.

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