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Layout problem with chart and grid splitter

2 Answers 117 Views
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Vikas asked on 26 Aug 2016, 04:14 PM

I am running into weird layout problem with Chart view and grid splitter, I have user control with a grid with 3 columns. I have a a grid in first column grid splitter in 2nd and chart view and third

Everything looks good when the window is first rendered, But if i move the splitter to make the 3rd column big the chart view keeps expanding, I mean the labels on x axis keep getting farther apart.

It would be ok as long as I can stretch the column, but if i just keep moving mouse the chart labels keeps moving.


I have attached some images to give you a better idea


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Petar Marchev
Telerik team
answered on 30 Aug 2016, 08:57 AM
Hi Vikas,

In the last image I see that the mouse is not directly over the splitter. It appears that for some reason the third column has gotten very large. The chart simply occupies the space you allocate for it. So, I think that whatever control you put in the third column will behave the same way, because it appears that the resizing logic is such.

I suggest you place another element in the third cell, like a button, to see if indeed this happens without the chart. Then you can look into what is going on and why the third column got so big.

Petar Marchev
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answered on 06 Sep 2016, 01:23 PM
Thanks, that was it.
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Petar Marchev
Telerik team
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