I'm trying to set the value of progressbar in the label but sometimes work and sometimes not! I simple copy the code that's in the documentation but sometimes the label appears once and sometimes appers twice.
<telerik:RadProgressBar runat="server" ID="RadProgressBar1" BarType="Percent" MaxValue="100" Value="33" Width="250" Orientation="Horizontal" ShowLabel="true" Skin="Silk"></telerik:RadProgressBar>
I've attatched a sample image that shows what I'm trying to explain.
I'm using the progress bar inside a template column of a grid.
What's missing me ?
Thanks in advanced.
Luís Maurício
I'm trying to set the value of progressbar in the label but sometimes work and sometimes not! I simple copy the code that's in the documentation but sometimes the label appears once and sometimes appers twice.
<telerik:RadProgressBar runat="server" ID="RadProgressBar1" BarType="Percent" MaxValue="100" Value="33" Width="250" Orientation="Horizontal" ShowLabel="true" Skin="Silk"></telerik:RadProgressBar>
I've attatched a sample image that shows what I'm trying to explain.
I'm using the progress bar inside a template column of a grid.
What's missing me ?
Thanks in advanced.
Luís Maurício