i would keep the list of files after a postback like do the postbacktrigger property but i need it for validation purpose and so the postback to validate is the same than for upload.
i mean i have a single button to save my form and upload the file in server code i validate my form if there is a problem. i need to show again the form with information about the validation if no problem i save everything.
if i use the postbacktriggers property i don't get the upload event and i absolutely need it.
so i'm looking for away to give or keep the list in client side.
hope it was clear enough :-)
thank you
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
You can perform your validation of the RadAsyncUpload client object in onClientClicking of RadButton that will preform the postback and to cancel it if needed.
Hope this will be helpful.
the Telerik team

if i llok in the code the ligne is just span with css and the name of the file it shouldn't be difficult to add this at render time.
but for this i need to inherite from you control and in the prerender put something.
the probleme is the something i don't know how to add html control at prerender time
i don't know if i'm clear do you understand me ?.
Unfortunately the scenario is not quite clear so would you please elaborate a little bit how it show differ from the one on the demo linked in my previous post so we could be more helpful?
the Telerik team

i'll try to explain my self better :-)
so i have a form with a few fields (textbox, combobox, and the asyncupload)
the whole form is in an usercontrol inside a radwindow.
i have a single button to save the form (if the user want cancel he just close the radwindow
when the user click on the save button i perfom some validation stuf and return or not on the page if there is problem or not.
so there is two scenario:
- validation succeed, i need to save the file and the whole form
- validation failed i need to show again the form (with error) and the list of file that was selected
and i'm not able to validate from js :-(
hope it's better
thanks for your help
Thank you for elaborating the scenario. Currently RadAsyncUpload does not support other way of validation (additional from the one with javascript I suggested) so I can recommend you to review the different validation scenarios with RadUpload and use some of them if some of them is more adaptable for your case.
Hope this will explain the issue and be helpful.
the Telerik team