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javascript on page distorts Grid Layout

1 Answer 76 Views
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Revital Keren
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Revital Keren asked on 04 Jan 2009, 04:07 PM
I have a RadGrid (CustomGrid which is inherited from RadGrid) in a content page, which I define like so:

<ref:CustomGrid ID="entityGrid" runat=server onneeddatasource="entityGrid_NeedDataSource"   
                    onupdatecommand="entityGrid_UpdateCommand"  Width="100%"   
                    onitemdatabound="entityGrid_ItemDataBound"  > 
                      <ClientSettings  Selecting-EnableDragToSelectRows="false"  > 
          <Scrolling UseStaticHeaders="true" AllowScroll="true" ScrollHeight="100px" /> 

I had a little problem with the alignment of the header and data rows, which I already fixed through css adjustments.
My current problem is that when I open a javascript pop up (for example using RadWindow or a simple alert()) the Grid's layout is all messed up (the header row shifts to the right with no connection to data rows).

Did you encounter this sort od problem before?
is there any property in the css I should look at?

Thanx in advance for your quick response,

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Telerik team
answered on 07 Jan 2009, 02:19 PM

Hello Revital,

Unfortunately from the information provided so far I cannot say for certain what might be the exact reason for the issue with the grid layout when using popup form. Does the same issue occur when you use not inherited RadGrid instead of the inherited instance and the same css settings?

Additionally, I see that you enabled scrolling and static headers for the control. Does the behavior changes if you disable them temporary? You may also verify that you are using the latest version of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX (2008.3.1125) in your project and inspect the html of the rendered page with IE developer toolbar or Firebug to designate the reason for the discrepancy and tackle it accordingly.

Best regards,

the Telerik team

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Revital Keren
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