I'm trying to fire a command from raddataform like:
var masterTable = $find("<%= RadDataForm1.ClientID %>");
masterTable.fireCommand("MyUploadCommand", "");
that fires very well and I can catch coomand in RadDataForm1_ItemCommand like:
If e.CommandName = "MyUploadCommand" Then......
but I cannot find controls inside <EditItemTemplate> no matter what. also very strange but inside Itemcommand routine e.DataFormItem.IsInEditMode is always false but its in edit mode.
I can access controls from RadDataForm1_Deletecommand, RadDataForm1_InsertCommand perfectly but not from RadDataForm1_ItemCommand.
How can I trigger a command with javascript and catch it and access controls ?
If I cannot find the answer I have to give up using raddataform because there are no documents left to read...