i tried to open a support ticket for this however i kept getting an error from the server telling me oops...
so i figured i would post it here but i can not attach a file to this...so not sure on how to get the file to you guys
i found the post on making a raddock modal. well i am not sure what is going on but i keep getting a javascript error when i implement the code on that post.
the javascript error is "Object Expected" or something like that...
i have attached a project that shows this behavior...
you will need to run the Default.aspx page...
the only difference between this and the one you guys posted is..
i needed it to go into a contentpage...
and needed it to show based on a postback not clientside...
so i used the ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript etc...
now this all works fine on page by itself with no master page..
but if i add a master page like in the default.aspx i get the error.
thanks in advance for a timely response.