I've been programming for quite a few years so an if statement shouldn't be THAT difficult.
Coming from a RadPanelBar
Here's the code:
function OnClicked(sender, eventArgs) {
if (true)
LogEvent("On clicked: " + eventArgs.get_item().get_text());
The above works. No problems. The alert give me "WOR" which is what I'd expect and then in a text field (Logged set inside the LogEvent function) I get "On clicked: WOR". Now I try this:
function OnClicked(sender, eventArgs) {
if (eventArgs.get_item().get_text() = "WOR")
LogEvent("On clicked: " + eventArgs.get_item().get_text());
I get NOTHING! No alert window. The Logged text field shows nothing. I am really confused (and seriously annoyed). WHAT is wrong with this construct? I have serious SQL running behind RadCharts in RadWindows which I want to open when a user clicks on an item in a panel bar. And this SIMPLE if statement is holding me up.
Joe B