Hi All,
I have an ItemTemplate with a RadNumericTextBox bound as follows:-
In some instances I wish to change the binding of the control at runtime ie costAdjust rather than cost
I have tried the following:-
But the .Items(0) returns an error.
Does anyone have any ideas how this can be achieved???
I have an ItemTemplate with a RadNumericTextBox bound as follows:-
<ItemTemplate> |
<telerik:RadNumericTextBox ID="RadNumericTextBox_cost" Runat="server" |
Culture="English (United Kingdom)" |
Type="Currency" |
Width="60px" Text='<%# Eval("cost") %>' MinValue="0" MaxValue="5500" |
EnabledStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right" FocusedStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right"> |
<FocusedStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" /> |
<EnabledStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" /> |
</telerik:RadNumericTextBox> |
</ItemTemplate> |
In some instances I wish to change the binding of the control at runtime ie costAdjust rather than cost
<ItemTemplate> |
<telerik:RadNumericTextBox ID="RadNumericTextBox_cost" Runat="server" |
Culture="English (United Kingdom)" |
Type="Currency" |
Width="60px" Text='<%# Eval("costAdjust") %>' MinValue="0" MaxValue="5500" |
EnabledStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right" FocusedStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right"> |
<FocusedStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" /> |
<EnabledStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" /> |
</telerik:RadNumericTextBox> |
</ItemTemplate> |
I have tried the following:-
Dim costAdjust As RadNumericTextBox = (DirectCast(dg_detailRecovery.MasterTableView.Items(0).FindControl("RadNumericTextBox_cost"), RadNumericTextBox)) |
costAdjust.Text = "<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, 'costAdjust') %>" |
But the .Items(0) returns an error.
Does anyone have any ideas how this can be achieved???