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ItemDataBound and Column Grouping

1 Answer 177 Views
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Martin Horst
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Martin Horst asked on 22 Feb 2017, 10:05 AM


in my web application I data bind a list of simple POCO objects into the grid. In the ItemDataBound event handler I add some additional columns with generated values.


protected void radGridResult_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
  GridDataItem lGridDataItem = e.Item as GridDataItem;
  if ( lGridDataItem != null )
    lGridDataItem["Address"].Text = "Foobar";


This works fine unless I try to group the "Address" column inside the web application. Then I get an exception that the "Address" property cannot be found inside the data object. 

Is there a way to solve this problem or is it better to create a new POCO data object containing all neccessary properties instead.


Best regards

Martin Horst

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Telerik team
answered on 27 Feb 2017, 06:59 AM
Hi Martin,

Database related operations like filtering, sorting, grouping, etc. require the values to be present in a field in the grid's data source. It is not possible to apply these actions with hardcoded values. Therefore, the Address on your case should be present in the database which the grid is bound to:

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Martin Horst
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