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Italian custom dictionary problems

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Fabrizio asked on 07 Oct 2016, 10:03 AM

Hello, I need help about italian spell checking. 

First of all, download the zipped file from here:

it's a minimal WPF application using your current R3 2016 UI for WPF libraries, that reproduces the uncorrect behaviors. It has a custom minimal dictionary extracted from our 2 million words italian dictionary.

This mini-dictionary contains ALL the words written in the embedded test document.

---BEHAVIOR 1: Initial spellchecking

Starting up the application, only the first sentence seems completely correct.

Line 1: "Questa è una prova" is ok.

Line 2: "Dov'è" and "Quand'è" are marked wrong. "Cos'è? cos è!" are ok only because there's "cos" in the dictionary (cosine math function). We can't put "quand" and "dov" in the dictionary because they aren't correct single words in italian.

Line 3: "Prova dell'albero." is ok, but "nell'albero" and "sull'albero" are marked wrong.

Line 4a-b-c: Any order of the 3 elements results in "dell'albero" right and the others wrong. But they are all in the dictionary!

---BEHAVIOR 2: Suggestions word extraction

Problem 1:
Right-click with cursor on line 2, over the "o" in "Dov'è". First suggestion is "Dov'è", if you click it, the resulting word will be "Dov'è'è". So, it seems that the spellchecker treats the apostrophe ' character as delimiter, that's wrong in italian because "Dov" is wrong and only "Dov'[Vowel]*" is right. Same applies with thousands of different word that get truncated on the following one. 

Problem 2:
Now for the black magic: Undo with Ctrl-Z, select whole "Dov'è" word and right-click it: no suggestions supplied (correct). Then, click in the editor to dismiss the context menu and roll the mouse wheel. Refresh now shows as correct the entire selection that was previously marked wrong.
Plot twist: Put the cursor after "è" in "Dov'è" and press space: "Dov'è" is marked wrong again.

But in English, all the words like "isn't", "don't", "we're" etc are marked as correct. So what's the problem with italian spell checking?

I really hope to get help from you, because the spell checker is a paramount function for our application.

Thanks in advance.

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answered on 12 Oct 2016, 07:56 AM
Hi Fabrizio,

Thank you for the provided detailed information.

Unfortunately, you hit a known bug in the RadRichTextBox's spellchecking functionality and we are aware of it. I've added the provided info to the item in our internal bug-tracking system. Since I cannot commit to a specific time frame when the issue would be fixed, I could suggest you to follow the related item in our feedback portal. In this way, you will be notified about any related changes.

As a workaround, as you can see in the feedback item, you could add the part of the words after the quote nevertheless they are not correct if they are used as a single words. I know it is not the best workaround, but unfortunately I cannot give you a better suggestion.

The rest of the reported issues are consequence of the above described one.

Sorry for the caused inconvenience. Do not hesitate to contact us again if you have other questions or any feedback.

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