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Issues with editor

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Dreamscape asked on 05 Jul 2010, 02:51 PM

We have been using the RadEditor for a while now and several of our clients have reported quite a few issues with the way that the editor works. We have recently upgraded to the latest version, hoping that these issues would have been resolved. However, there are still several issues that we have found:
  • I pasted some text into the editor, part of which was in a bulleted list and had bold text. I tried to remove the bullet point and remove the bold formatting but neither of these worked. So there was no way to remove the bullet point and I was stuck with bold text where it wasn't wanted. I decided to leave the bullet in so I saved the page that I was editing and this took me back to a different page. When I went back onto that page, all formatting was gone (the text was no longer bold and there was no bullet point). I tried again to put the bullet point in and save the content but once again, when I went back to the page, the formatting was gone.
  • I have also tried other formatting such as underlining text but this formatting is also lost.
  • After pasting text, backspace does not work unless the 'Enter' key is pressed first.

I hope someone can offer some help on this as, so far, we are a bit disappointed with the new editor.

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Telerik team
answered on 06 Jul 2010, 02:37 PM
Hi JimB,

We will be grateful if you provide detailed steps to reproduce the reported three problems along with sample initial content.

Are you able to reproduce the problems in the Default Example or in the Save In Database demo?

Best regards,
the Telerik team
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